Saturday, March 2, 2013

Adventure #45: TAKE NOTICE OF THE SHOES! (Oh & that it's Friday)



Ha.  I was so ready for the weekend yesterday.  Yes, I only worked for three days this week, but that means that I had arrived back from my trip Tuesday night without any time for much-needed R&R.  So.  It was a much-appreciated Friday, to say the least.  Rolled out of bed, remembered it was Adventure Day, and dawdled my way to shower/dress/get ready for the day (after making my bed, of course!)
Following the getting-ready routine was breakfast time.  I've been a snack monster lately at nighttime and haven't been extraordinarily hungry at breakfast, but I definitely eat anyway (because you better beli
eve the hunger hits me eventually during my busy mornings!)  Ooo look!  Yummy raspberries with my breakfast!  It was kind of a treat since I don't think I've had raspberries at all in 2013 yet (AND I had just bought them the previous morning before work when I managed to fit in some grocery shopping).

TIME TO WEAR THE ADVENTURE SHOES AND GO TO WORK!  I feel like I've cheated on way too many Adventure Days during the course of these many months and hadn't worn the shoes.  No worries--I did actually put the shoes on for all of my out-of-apartment ventures and disregarded the mis-match of my outfit.  (The shoes were actually noticed by a person or two at the office!)

I made it to work and had many-a-thing to do (well...for awhile at least...), but I have chosen to talk about TWITTER to you all!  Yep, it's my lil project this spring.  Hannah, Alissa, and I have created our own CoFo Twitters and we got together yesterday to chat about the progress.  Jessica and Lauren (program managers) joined us and a nice little conversation was had.  AND the previous day Hannah had even called her and I the 'Twitter Queens!'  I'll take it!
Post-meeting notebook page!  Yay productivity!
Pre-meeting notebook page...

Thought I'd had enough of the social media stuff at work?  Think again!  Facebook is mucho important to my job as a Completion Coach and is a key way to keep in touch with my students--it's basically always logged on my computer, so you better believe I had a Friday full of Facebook Time!

Oh hey!  Do ya like my lunch bag above?  It's one of my favorite bags and while I don't carry around a lunch bag often, I usually choose this one when I do.  (Thanks Vannessa, Bearman, and Faye for the bag accompanying the great Teavana gift a few months ago!)
K so how about we just skip all the other work stuff that I did and skip right to snack time?  I like that idea.  Yep, I munched on peanuts.  Good times (and to be honest, snack time wasn't that far off from lunchtime...what can I say, I'm impatient for these things!)

Can you see it?  It says the time is 5:13(pm).  A lil later than
usual leaving the office (haha, we're usually right on the hour),
but I had a student and a parent get some FAFSA help from
me, so I delayed carpool a bit.  Whoops.
CAR RIDE HOME!  Yep.  I was 'chosen' to sit in the middle.  Full carpool means we're all a lil squooshed.  Ah well, saves us all gas money, so it works out.  Wooo!  Headed home for the WEEKEND!


YAY DINNER TIME!!!  I've been enjoying this yummy dinner this week:  white rice heated up with rice vinegar and dried parseley alongside cubed firm tofu drizzled with a peanut sauce.  The problem?  After three nights in a row of eating that delicious peanut sauce, my stomach retaliated and gave me troubles last night/today.  (The sauce has garlic and corn syrup in it.  Grrrr!  It was so good!)
YUM!!!  Close up shot for ya.
Oh.  And to the right is me getting excited about
cooking again for myself.

Ok so summarizing the rest of my day:  I realized that it was free online yoga video day for the studio I go to, Black Swan Yoga.  I hadn't done yoga in a whole month.  I was bound and determined to check out a video or two.  Turns out, I was tired and ended up just watching most of the video that I chose.  Oh well, I made an attempt!
After that, I started watching a documentary called 'Be Happy!'  It was really good!  But...I fell asleep halfway through it.  Brian ended up calling me after I slept for half an hour, and we got on Skype and had a lovely 'date night' of watching an episode of Dinosaurs, an episode of Doctor Who (such a scary episode--there were statue monsters!), and the finale was Good Eats (seriously, the carrot episode rocks!).  I ate a tangerine, ice cream, and candy during all of this, haha.  (But one musn't leave out the fact that Brian also ate cashews and Airheads.  We both had tea.  And I have an awesome memory that I'm quite proud of at this point, haha.)
ANYWAY.  Both of us fell asleep on Skype right after Good Eats ended.  It would have been funny if we were awake enough to laugh when we both woke up at 3am (4am his time).  Called it a night and hit the hay!
And THAT, dear readers, was the 45th telling of Ali's Adventure Day.  Enjoy much?  Well good.

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