Friday, March 22, 2013

Adventure #48: A Not-So-Thrilling Thursday

No, I'm not praying.  It's the Thursday-Morning-Stretch!  Up and attem!  Adventure Day!  One way to guarantee a good start to the day is to get the blood moving--and here I am, showing off my child's pose.  Good stuff, eh?
BUT guess who interrupted the stretching?  BRIAN.  Tisk tisk, not ok.  Haha, just kidding.  I gladly halted the poses and such to pick up the phone and wish him a good morning and a great day ahead.  (No worries, it wasn't a 19 minute call as it looks on the picture--I just took the phone pic awhile after the conversation, tehe.)

Ok, so after the stretching and the chatter, I got my butt grooving into the routine of 'getting ready.'  Probably a good idea, since work starts at 11, though I always give myself PLENTY of time on Tuesdays and Thursdays to stretch and do other projects and tasks before work.  Yay for not being rushed!

 And what's that there to the right?  It's the second set of Lil Buddies, sprouting their way to existence!  Honestly, it's been less than a week, and I'm SO PROUD of how tall they've gotten already.  Maybe it's the environment of being in my room by the sunny window.  Or maybe it's just the timing, who knows.  I DO know that I loved waking up to that gorgeous sunshine!

Did I mention I had lots of leisure time before work?  Because it's true!  I do that on purpose, especially because I'm such a morning person.  Pretty neat picture what with seeing me in the reflection of my laptop, right?  I spent awhile internetting, paying a bill, FoodGawker-ing and things of that sort.  Most not as productive as I could be, but honestly, what is there for me to be productive with these days?!
 WHOA!  GIANT SALAD.  What's with it?!  Oh yeah--lunch.  Waking up so early, getting my stretch on, and then arriving at work means that a girl's gotta get some food in me shortly after my 11am arrival.  And I started out fresh:  a lovely salad spritzed with lime juice.  Oh yeah!  Haha, a sandwich shortly followed.  Got that energy boost to take on the rest of Adventure Day, y'all!

Oh ho ho!  And here it is!  An opportunity to use my newfound energy (and strength?).  Haha, there was a request for helpers to bring in supplies for the Saturday CoFo event.  I got to carry the Cuties.  Good times.  It actually gave me a little something to do, since you'll soon find out that I'm kinda at a loss of how to keep myself busy at the end of this month...

As hinted at, I tried to busy myself.  I really truly did.  I'm happiest when I'm productive and...well...busy.  I tried helping Hans with his work stuff, but he just felt he was far 'above' me.  Haha, just kidding!  He's adopted the notion of a standing desk, and recently elevated himself on a chair to better be able to type.  Makes me feel extra short though!  Not sure how I feel about this...

What's this?  What's this?  A handwritten note from me?!  To who?!  To Ray Blue!  I still had a few items chillin on my desk (CoFo ribbon, clothespins, and fabric scissors) from the Austin Marathon.  I figured since it has been well over a month since the event occurred, it's about time to return that stuff.  I did a mini organizations sweep of my desk area, and that was just one bit of proof of the task.
It's me!  In my awesome state of boredom!  Haha, oh boy...not so many people in the office yesterday either because of high school classes, campus visits, etc.  I was losin it!

What else occurred in my desperation to keep busy with work-related things at the office until 7PM?!  Well, I re-discovered this link that I'd saved of an Austin Community College Presentation by special guest Temple Grandin.  I figured that I'd stream it on YouTube and watch it in the background of other stuff, since so few people were in the office using bandwith.  Temple Grandin is pretty awesome--she's a successful adult and professional who also happens to be on the autism spectrum.  Fascinating stuff.
And then:  I finally made it home!  I was glad to change out of the Adventure Shoes, peel out of the socks, and let me blue-painted toes go free as I took a chill pill for the rest of the evening.

WHAT am I doing with thi curious device?!  Well, de-linting tomorrow's outfit, of course.  Yep, I'm one of those anal people who picks out her outfit the night before.  And the particular pair of capris (that I'm actually wearing right now...) desperately needed to be de-linted.  So I hopped on that task while simultaneously thinking about how often I've been using that lint roller lately...  What is going on?!  Oh yeah...I washed my fluffy fuzzy robe with a bunch of other clothes.  Hello there, lint.
And now what is this here to the right?  This is called a FAIL.  I thought it was a candle.  So I put it in a lil dish that I use to typically hold candles.  It smelled glorious.  But it's NOT a candle.  It's for a candle warmer.  So the smell will not really go anywhere.  And I guess I'll have to make a candle some time to make up for my error.  Ah well, I burned my homemade candle last night, cozied up to the computer with a tangerine, some chocolate, and some tea, and Skyped the boyfriend.  A not-so-thrilling Thursday, but overall, a good day nonetheless.

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