Good morning, Friends and Fair Readers! Welcome to the 'official' day one of Ali P's spring break! Let's make it an Adventurous Day One, ok?!
^^^Oh hey look!
I awoke after sleeping in a bit (c'mon now, you know I don't typically sleep in much!), and layed in bed to READ for a bit! It really was just 'a bit' because I literally had about ten pages left of the book I'd been reading. But you know what?! Good riddance! I'd been reading that book since JULY! Luckily the ending was legit enough for me to justify the months of reading, but still, I was ready to move on. Also, notice my spring break list chillin on my bedside counter, too. I always need a little something to motivate me, especially when things are so seemingly dull for my 11 days off work.
Breakfast dishes!!! Boooo! Nah, those never typically stack up at all, I had just run the dishwasher the night before and decided to save the unloading for after breakfast. Hey, a girl needs sustainence!
Ok, I think I'll venture outdoors now. Like the new jacket? It's from Jessica, too! (Loooove new-ish clothes!)
Next up: gotta go to the craft store. Hey, I have a spring break goal of making my own candle (tons of wax remnants from old candles lying around), so I need myself some wick. I found a Michael's and got that bought. But while roaming the endless aisles of pom poms, glue guns, and beads, I got a call! It was Brian! He was between classes and gave me a surprise ring. I was sure to check out nice and quick and headed out to the van to chat it up with the boyfriend. What a beautiful sunny day it was turning out to be!
K so I arrived home and actually took a lovely nap. Really truly, I DID! I mean, hey, it's spring break, I've been staying up late (mostly because I can and Brian is a night owl, so I finally am able to spend more time with him in the nighttime without a curfew/bedtime). But anyway, yeah, I was sleepy, so I napped. It was just a lil cat nap for 30 minutes, but that snooze was glorious! Afterward, I decided that I wanted to plant some more herbs. I enjoy watching my other Little Buddies grow tall and green and leafy, so I need more. This time: Dill, Sweet Marjoram, Parsley, and Savory. The lil seeds need to soak for hours before they can be planted, so I got that done to be ready for their dirt burial the next day. Like my lil seed-soaking containers? They used to hold tea!
So what next? Well, I read my book for a bit. I wasn't super-hungry but very-much antsy (Brian calls it 'cabin fever.' Weird though because the weather outside was GORGEOUS, and I could have easily spent time in the 65+ degree weather. Just wasn't feelin it.) So what did I choose to do? I decided it was Kitchen Time.
What happened during this kitchen venture? Well, I can guarantee that I definitely dirtied some more dishes. (I'm pretty good at that.) I had a spare potato lyin around, so I though, "Hey, I need to be rid of this potato AND some of this cheese chillin in the fridge. Twice baked potato! YES." So it happened. Curious of my method? I laid it all out for y'all in my Foodie Files Part II Facebook album. Enjoy.
Did I mention I was antsy? Twas true. I needed to get OUT. So I went for a walk. Threw on the running shoes (no worries, the Adventure Shoes made their appearance earlier in the day on my first outing). I scooted off down this path off down the street from my apartment complex. I found out that it's a far trail and actually opens up out to a softball/baseball complex. Cool stuff. There was also a disc golf course. Yeah, lots of discoveries on Adventure Day. A super-cool part of my walk was getting to chat with Mom. It was so uplifting to just chat with someone, especially about stuff so detached from the droning day to day of my reality. What would the world be like without Mom's to make us feel better?
A lot of stuff happened after the walk, but I didn't document it all. That's ok though, nothing extraordinarily exciting. I wrote a letter. Read some of my newly started book (from Allie, Tara, and Kristina!), and watched some HGTV House Hunters. Good times. Eventually I jumped online for some internetting. Spent a good long time chit chatting with Brian. We had some really good conversation about some pretty deep stuff. (No worries, I won't go into excrutiating detail, just relationship talk.)
Guess what though?! I 'won' a 'game' of sorts. See, I'm usually always the one on Skype who is like, "Hey, I gotta go to bed, it's late and I'm tired." But last night, Brian said it. True, he had work in the morning, but still, it was 1:30AM my time, and 2:30AM his time, and I was uncertain if he would ever give in and actually SAY it! But he did. And I'm glad he did because not only was I more than a little tired, but I truly didn't want him tired the next day. But still. I 'won' the unofficial 'game.'
Doesn't my bed above look so good and comfy? So inviting? Whew, it was an Adventure Day, and this girl was sure to make it in bed by 2AM to get some shut eye. I did get woken up obnoxiously by some arguing/fighting individuals out in the parking lot making a ruckus and threatening each other, but I rolled over after listening for a bit and decided, "It's Riverside. It's South By Southwest week. I really don't care."
And then it was good night to me and good night to my Adventure Day.
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