Monday, October 29, 2012

Adventure Day #28: Forgetfulness, Cleanliness, & Spontaneity


Yesterday was not intended to be Adventure Day.  But I woke up to a voicemail from Fish that told me it was to be Adventure Day.  Just cuz.  So...I made it so.  And it was COLD!  Fuzzy socks were a must.  Changing from PJ shorts to PJ pants was a must.  Busting out the long full-length robe was a must.  It felt like low forties outside for temps!  And it WAS low forties outside!  I thought that I lived in Texas where it doesn't get cold.  Update:  I do live in Texas.  But it still gets cold!
But yeah, having a seemingly wide-open day before me, I decided a lil spontaneity would be a good twist for my week to get started with...until I looked at the clock.  Egad, it was 11:30am!  Still hell-bent on making an Adventure Day of my Sunday, I hopped out of bed and...well, I guess THEN I put all of the layers on that I described above (woo for saying things out of order!).  I had quite a bit to get accomplished for the day, and I had already felt like I slept through half of it!  (Although to be honest, I hadn't gone to bed until 4am the previous 'night,' so I was pretty justified in my wake-up time).

Before I even touched the breakfast foods upon entering the kitchen, my heart rose a lil bit.  Why, you ask?  Because of the sight before me, perched on the kitchen counter, taunting me.  Yesterday I bought the above kitchen appliances for a total of TWELVE DOLLARS!  Yes, TWELVE DOLLARS!  Thanks to the lovely HEB coupons I saw advertised (it does pay off to read those ads in the mail!), I got a low-quality hand blender AND a low-quality food processor for a mere TWELVE DOLLARS!  That was a bargain that I couldn't pass up, and I hadn't had the chance to put them away the night there they were left, sitting on the kitchen counter to be used (...or put away, I suppose...)

But don't worry, I DID eventually avert my gaze and get myself some breakfast grub.  (Although I couldn't bring myself to do anything with the unopened boxes quite yet.) 
I cozied down in the dining room with my cocoa-cinnamon-oatmeal smoothie and my cup of hazelnut truffle tea and read a bit of Blink, this month's book club book.  I seem to be either very easily distracted or else I'm a much slower reader than I used to be when I was younger because every book I try to read these days takes me a LONG time to finish (or make any progress in).  I guess I also tend to multi-task when reading anything, too, so that might be a considerable factor.
Oh hey--look at the awesome view I have from the dining room table!  Outside on the patio is Herbert Hubert (aka Herb Hub), who chills out there and the shining sun was beaming down, too.  A good morning brunch if I do say so myself!
And then I decided it was in the PM already, and I should get dressed for the day.  Seemed like a good idea considering I had to go pick up my van from its resting place the night before and then host a dinner party that evening (more on both of those later).  But it sure was hard deciding what to wear on this Sunday!  Coolness in the air but a guaranteed Texas sun to make an appearance...I felt that the outfit was adequate enough in the end.
Ya know how 'cleanliness' is mentioned in the post title?  (Definitely there for a reason).  I spent a good 1.5+ hours sweeping, mopping, vacuuming, cleaning the bathroom, and scrubbing down the kitchen.  Felt SO good to have a clean apartment!  (Look at those clean floors!)
Oh, and then there was the van-retrieval...  Yeah, the night before figuring out the bus system back to the orginal starting point where I parked my van was pretty much a fail at I took the bus straight back to my apartment instead.  Which meant that Sunday had to involve me getting my van, and Brooks was kind enough to drive myself, Geoff, and George all the way North to get the vehicles.  (Morning drive of shame?  Tehe, something like that.)  I programmed the GPS to take me back South again to my apartment and didn't think about the lovely traffic that we passed on our way out...that was lovely.  Ah well, all part of the Adventure, right?!
I GOT MAIL!  Yup, I checked the good ol mailbox slot when I returned home and there was a slim lil package in there waiting for me!  I had ordered a certain Christmas present for someone...but I can't say who!  (I'm thinking ahead on these things--I'm excited for the holidays this year already!)
I really truly am skipping around in the re-telling of this Adventure Day...  Ok, so I guess I vacuumed AFTER I got my van.  Whatever, it was a big part of my day, haha.  I typically HATE vacuuming, but I have this nifty lil mini-vac that is just my size and makes it not as much as a chore as a typical vacuum.  (And there really isn't all THAT much space for me to vacuum in the first place...I mean, I live in an apartment!)
It then came to be time to prep for the dinner party!  (Rush-rush-rush!)  And the only way I cook these days is with the laptop on the kitchen counter, Spotify playing some cooking jams, and a recipe pulled up in the background so that I don't mess up the meal.  Tonight's jams were Bruno Mars and Hot Chelle Rae.  Tonight's menu:  Four-color Stir Fry and focaccia.
And there it is!  Stir-fry leftovers!  And that isn't even all of it!  I was generous and shared with Matt and Alissa, too.  (I have lots of food and should really learn to share more, haha).

And what did I do after the dinner guests left?!  I baked of course!  HAD to use the new hand mixer!  And I needed myself some dessert!  So--time to make some chocolate chip banana bread!

Trivia question:  What is Ali's favorite part of baking?  (Hint:  Look at the pic to the right!)  Anyone who knows me at all knows that I love to bake...and I LOVE to 'clean' the beaters/mixing spoon/bowl when I'm done!  But shhh!  There may or may not have been raw egg in that batter...  (I've got to be immune at this point!)

But the rest of my Adventure Day is absent of pictures.  I am saddest to say that the 'forgetfulness' reference in the title is because I didn't wear the Adventure Shoes at all.  They weren't even incorporated in my day ever.  So sad.  I shall try harder next week.  But hey, I hope you enjoyed my fun-filled Sunday.  And I hope even more that you stick around and pop in again for next week's Adventure!

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