Monday, October 1, 2012

Adventure #24: The Proof Is in the Telling


The above photo is all you're gonna get.  Yup.  An Adventure Day without an explosion of photos.  But what the heck does it have to do with the Aventure Day I'd just had?  Not much.  Except it's kinda like 'Where's Waldo?':  Find the Adventure Shoes.  They're there somewhere.  (Haha, not much of a challenge, more like 'I Spy' than 'Where's Waldo.')
Yesterday was a SUNDAY Adventure Day.  I feel like I haven't had one of those in awhile.  It was pretty chill.  My weekends typically are, but that's the way I like it.  I've come to a realization that I'm a homebody of sorts (or at least lately).  That doesn't mean I don't stay busy--quite the opposite, in fact.  I just manage to keep myself very-much busy at home, often not even being lazy.  I like a clean apartment.  I like cooking/baking/preparing food.  Hell, I even like grocery shopping.  I reserve time for yoga and host a weekly dinner party.  I've joined a book club, so I've been reading quite a bit.  I blog (bet ya didn't know that!), and I Skype/call long distance friends often.  I tend to spend quite a bit of time on the computer, too (but who doesn't?!).
At first, I was not ok with everything I just listed off.  But I'm most content doing these things while also occasionally getting out and doing something crazy-fun and fast-paced and spontaneous.  It's a personal balance that is much different from many others', and that's something that one must grow accustomed to.  I still struggle with this balance, but knowing myself and getting those subtle reminders from those who know me best help me figure it out each time.
So yes, I'm going to do something social every so often.  And no, I'm not declining the invitation because I hate your guts or am scared of gatherings with large amounts of people.  Basically, I'm just timing my outings so that I can most enjoy them and take part in the company of others while at times appreciating the life that Austin has been so kind to offer me in the months that I am here.
Sixth Street will see me every now and then.  Restaurants and food trucks alike will host Ali P. as she dines alongside friends.  And the periodic occasions of fermented fun will most definitely occur--just at my own discretion.
But invite me.  I love having the problem of deciding whether or not I should make this particular occasion one of the select happenings that I make my presence at.
And with that, I leave you Fair Reader, with a little something to mull over before I overstimulate your eyesight with an abundance of picures from next week's ever-anticipated Adventure Day.

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