Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Adventure #29: Happy Heart, Unhappy Stomach

ELECTION DAY!  I was up, and I had to get out the door to VOTE because I was scared of long lines (and waiting in them).  I also didn't want to be late to work.  And I also didn't care enough to shower first before voting.  So...the above is what left the door on the 29th Adventure Day.

It was QUITE the Adventure in itself just getting myself to the voting location.  I thought I knew where I was going (of course), and I thought I knew the name of the place, too.  Nope to both of those.  So when I got to where I *thought* might have been the right location...I felt super uncertain and called Fish.  And of course, he was great about it.  (I had already called him early with a 'good morning!,' and he was willing enough to answer ANOTHER of my calls.  I was impressed.)
Basically he used lovely internet powers to confirm that I was actually at the right location (I was actually quite cranky to him in my current state of lost frustration), and I proceeded to walk inside the elementary school.  But soon I found out that to vote, I'd have to drive wayyyyy around back to the 'portables.'  Good times.  Hey, guess what?  After that I actually found the spot and finally voted!  Proof of it is to the left--in Spanish!  (Haha, it made me giggle that they only had Spanish, but I'm totally ok with that.)
Back-home-time for breakfast to calm my anxious self.  I got to use my fairly new jar of natural honey roast peanut butter, which I stirred into my hot cereal.  Quite a delicious invention of a food, and I'm glad I was adventurous at the store and tried it out.
 While eating up my breakfast creation, there was plenty of Election Day coverage on the Today Show to keep me preoccupied until my bowl was scraped clean and my stomach was deemed full.  But hey, speaking of my stomach...  It hadn't been a very happy stomach that morning or the previous day.  Flash forward through my day, it was a continuously unhappy stomach ALL of the Adventure Day.  No good.  I will mostly ignore this fact throughout the rest of the post, but....well, it was definitely a significant part of the Adventure Day.
Oh hey look--I finally got cleaned up and ready to head out the door for the second time.  (Notice that I actually wore my spanish 'I voted' sticker!  Wooo voting!
Upon stepping outside,  I very quickly realized that it was sunny outside.  Like Austin, Texas sunny.  Good thing I had my 2012 Bronco Bash sunglasses to wear, thanks to Fish who got them for me as a souveneir when he visited!  And I love that they are pink.  Of course.
And then:  the waiting game.  Carpools are good times.  The only thing is that I'm usually such an early bird that I find myself waiting around for awhile.  Ah well, it helps me improve on my patience.  And I waited with tea in hand to keep me somewhat preoccupied while waiting in the parking lot.

I made it to work!  I'm often impressed when I pause and notice all of the papers/notes/stickies scattered across my desk.  I tend to jot a lot of things down.  I think I really stick to the 'better safe than sorry' motto, so I write everything down in the case that it becomes important.  If not, I am a strong believer in recycling, so my concern is not at too high of a level at this point as the papers accumulate.
And speaking of notes/stickies written to myself, take a look at the ever-so-cleverly-placed mini stickies lined up at the top of my laptop.  Most of them are just heads up as to the Collegians whose contact info I don't have (I sometimes get frustrated when I look up a student and realize I don't have a number, so first I glance to the top of my screen.  More efficient that way).
At some point in the day I took some time to submit an internship to our database and found myself pretty interested in the one I found.  There were so many positions offered through the Austin Film Festival, and there's really stuff year-round for students (and grads!) to apply for!  Sweet stuff!
While on the phone with a Collegian in the afternoon, these quarters mysteriously appeared on my desk...  Actually, it was not-so-mysterious, since I saw Mike drop them off, since he'd borrowed three dollars for coffee the week before.  Interesting payment method--too bad I don't use coin laundry, haha.
Before leaving for the end of the day, I had to revert back to my old ways of writing notes/reminders on my hand.  Totally brings me back to high school, but I don't care, it's super effective, as long as I don't go crazy with washing my hands between writing it and completing the tasks.  The scrawled words on my hand for Adventure Day were related to the senior recruitment that Kathryn/myself have scheduled for Thursday.  It's going to be pretty awesome.  (Mostly because we are pretty awesome people/Completion Coaches).
Speaking of Kathryn, she decided to snap pics of how DARK it was when we left the office at 7pm!  SO DARK!  Thanks, Daylight Savings, for making us feel like we work until midnight.  (I'm not looking forward to my driving week when I have to drive everyone home in the dark.)
I got home and despite stomach issues, I decided to cook myself something to go along with the leftovers I had.  There was cabbage in the fridge, so I roasted it with lime juice and olive oil brushed on top of the wedges.  It was a crisp and yummy veggie to preface my meal.
I've got to admit, I was one unhappy Ali on this night of Adventure Day.  My stomach continued to hate on me, although I did manage to accomplish my weekly/bi-weekly task of cutting up the 'good' coupons that Aeryn/I get in the mail.  I rather enjoy this because I'm crazy (no other explanation for it, haha).
And that is the end of the photos.  It wasn't the end of the night, but I can quickly sum that up for ya:  I watched Gobama win the presidency again.  Then I cleaned stuff up and headed to my room to Skype Fish.  Then I Skyped Fish and went to bed.  Exciting?  Not-so-much, but no matter, Adventure Days are exciting enough simply because it's a peek in the life of Ali P.--and just TRY telling me that my life is dull!  (I can easily combat it, so please, don't try.)
Adventure Day is still weekly.  Nothing has changed.  It will be back next week on an undetermined day.  But follow the blog or just patrol Facebook, and you'll get to read on and figure out what Adventures I get myself into next! 

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