Friday, October 12, 2012

Adventure #25: Adventuring Through a Thursday

The overhead light in my bedroom is too bright.  And if you disagree, then consider it a conditionally 'too bright' of a light.  It is 'too bright' when I wake up in the morning, and it is still dark outside.  Especially when I accidentally set my Monday/Wednesday/Friday alarm for a Thursday.  For shame!  Yep, went back to bed after THAT wake-up.
Eventually, it was finally time to get out of bed...and time to MAKE my bed.  Yes, I still make my bed.  Typically not so neatly as this, but this quilt in particular looks best when the bed is made and smoothed out and in order (yes, I get a bit obsessive-compulsive with this quilt, haha).  For some reason making my bed each morning is just enough physical activity and mental effort to get me going each morning.
So I got going (finally...I mean, this WAS attempt number two, after all).  My dresser looked a bit chaotic, but it had been a chaotic week.  And the chaos of Adventure Day had barely even begun!  Time for Ali P. to Carpe Diem!
But wait!  there are two particularly interesting items perched on my dresser on this Thursday morning...  To the left is my harmonica!  Ah yes, the precious instrument of which I can poorly play when provided playing instructions right in front of me--and for familiar songs only.  And what about the picture to the right?  EARRINGS!  Basically my favorite piece of jewelry.  Much time and deliberation occurs each day as I ready myself with the accessories I deem most necessary...and most matching my outfit.
And what's this?!  NOT the Adventure Shoes?!  I must admit that I was VERY close to not wearing the Adventure Shoes on this Adventure Day.  The brown heels were calling, as was the brown-toned outfit I was wearing and the thought of people asking me (as usual...) 'Why are you so dressed up?".  But I fought those thoughts and made a last-minute decision to...wait, I can't spoil the surprise!

BREAKFAST TIME!!!  Hmmm...what can I possibly make with the above ingredients?  How about PB&J oatmeal?!  Ok!

This is peanutbutter.  It just looks so gooey and good in the jar!
End result is the oatmeal to the left!  Why is it 'PB & J oatmeal,' you ask?  It's my own naming convention, actually.  Mostly because the peanutbuttery goodness plus the raisins and the creamy milk makes it taste like a hot mushed up PB & J.  You know you want to try it... and you should!

But as you can see, I'm STILL reading the Poisonwood Bible.  Considering my slow, sporadic reading pace,  I actually haven't done too horribly at getting through it, but I won't be finished by the 'discussion deadline.'  (Yes, I like single quotes in this post.  Whatever.)  The only good thing about me not finishing on time is the fact that I can't make it to the group discussion anyway.  I guess that goes with the territory of us not having picked out a discussion date until everyone was almost done reading the book (and had already made plans...)  Ah well, there will be plenty more months with plenty more books.  And I WILL finish this book!  (Especially by the time it's due back at the library!) 
The storyline of the book is told in different perspectives by each of the female characters.  My favorite is Adah (One of her chapters is highlighted in the picture above.)  She keeps me plugging away and reading through the book.
The good thing about it being Tuesday was that I had plenty of time to get ready and somewhat relax before I head out to work.  I spend a lot of my time at the computer (fortunately or unfortunately), and I decided to open the vertical blinds to my window on this special occastion.  Interesting view of the parking lot, as you see.  (It looks weird because it's a picture taken through a screen.)
Eventually, it was go time!  Go time for work!  Time to throw the Adventure Shoes on my feet and scoot out the door to meet my carpool for the day.
 Wait--WHAT?  RAIN?!  NOT OK.  But as you can see, I got to wait for my ride under a carport.  So I survived.  Without much misery or complaining.  (And though you can't tell by this photo, the rain was coming down HARD!  Pretty insane stuff for the short amount of time it lasted).
Ok, so it's been established by this point that I hate rain.  But the day was still ok.  Besides, the lil chicks on my paper lunch sack are adorable!  (I even got a compliment on it!)  Too bad paper lunch sacks aren't may have suffered a little water damage walking to the car... 
Hey, you know what was cool to see when coming into the office right away?  Jaclyn (one of my fellow Texas State Completion Coaches) had her birthday on Adventure Day and got this giant Edible Arrangements birthday bouquet from her mom.  I guess she doesn't like cake, so Edible Arrangements are what she prefers.  They are so impressive looking, and the 'cake' at the bottom looks delicious!  Unfortunately Miz Jaclyn couldn't fit it in the fridge, so she kept it out on her desk (a beautiful sight to see, though!) and ended up leaving halfway through the day anyway, so all was good.

So what was I up to when I actually got to work?  I remember trying to lock down some cool prizes for the winners of the last campus visit contest.  We had talked with each of the program managers about giving them CoFo mugs...and Adventure Day was the perfect day for them to actually be tracked down!  Mugs/prizes reserved!  Yay!

I guess below looks like real work, too--and I'd definitely have to say that it is!  Making student contacts!  On the agenda for Adventure Day work days and EVERY work day!  Gotta stay in touch with those collegians and help them every way I can!
On Adventure Day, my Secret Pal struck!  He/she made his/her firsst 'appearance' by having someone else drop off a Triscuit box with an interesting letter/note of sorts and a giant bag of chips.  I was very unsure of this bag of chips...  Stay tuned to see what happens to them!

And at some point, my stomach rumbled and it was lunchtime.  Does the below salad look good?  It tasted good!  It was actually leftover from the Team ABC potluck that was held Monday night.  I should really getting around to posting this pic and a caption/recipe to my Foodie Files Facebook photo album...

Ooo...yum!  Look below!  More lunch!  I had whipped up an egg with sun-dried tomatoes, blue cheese, greek yogurt, and chives/seasonings.  Was pretty delicious!
Wow, and the shapes picture looks really weird and distorted--I swear it didn't look that way earlier.  What it actually is, is a great pun that was in the weekly email I sent out to my students.  And that is probably why the picture is distorted--because I took a picture of a computer screen (genius, I know).
Hey.  Random tidbit about my office space:  The temperature fluctuates.  Often.  So I use my SALP retreat blanket sporadically/often as I feel necessary.  I 've even loaned it out before.  Because it's necessary.  And soft.  And one of the best blankets ever!
With a little over two hours left in my workday and me in the midst of contacting students via text (which I do on my personal cell), I came to the realization that my phone had only ONE BAR LEFT!  *gasp*
But do you want the good news?  It didn't end up dying at all that day.  (Thank you cell battery, for holding out til the end!)
Hey, remember those chips that I referenced earlier?  Well, I promised that they'd return--and boy did they!  I don't typically eat chips (for whatever reason), but....I ate the WHOLE bag!  There were at least four servings in that bag of chips!  And this is after my lunch and my afternoon snack!  (But one must remember that I work until 7pm on Tuesdays/Thursdays, so hunger hit about 5pm).
Eventually, I did make it home via carpool and went to have fun-times at the Drex-fest house.  Chatted a bit, laughed a bit, you know.  Home-time was pretty late for my weeknight standards, but I didn't care.  I Skyped Fish anyway and ate food (because I was hungry again....obviously).
But by the time everything was said and done, I was TIRED.  Do I look like I was tired?  Because I was.  Fish says he can tell when I am.  Hmmm...  Well, I definitely had a good sleep last night and was rested enough to tackle my Friday.  Fridays really are holidays.  Believe it.


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