Sunday, February 3, 2013

Adventure #41: A Day's Progression, A Night's Adventure!

Yesterday I packed my NEW suitcase (got it for Christmas--and it's pink!) for my awesome trip back to the Midwest that happens this Friday!  It seems like I've been unofficially prepping for awhile, and I finally felt like it was time to pack the suitcase.  Yes, I'm strange.  I like to pack for trips.  Makes me feel more 'set' for the trip, ya know?  And gets me way more excited!  But no worries, Adventure Day #41 had plenty more excitement than me just packing a suitcase, Michigan-bound!
 I think I'll spell out my Saturday giving away little pieces of myself from head to toe.  So starting at the top:  I got up and realized that it was a weekend.  I sure as hell wasn't going to wash my hair on a Saturday!  (I usually save that horrendous task for Sundays!)  So I threw it on top of my head and started on productive tasks until it would be closer to yoga time.
This brown-eyed girl had an outlook of positivity on the beautiful 70-degree day that was my Adventure Day!  Washed my bedding, typed out and printed my trip itinerary, packed my bag (as mentioned), and did some dishes, all before yoga!  Go me!  Most people sleep in on their weekend days, but I just came seem to get to that point...ah well!
Teeth all bright and clean after breakfasttime!  It's interesting to look at a smile up close actually...something I've never actually noticed about myself.  Oh the things that are brought to my attention by fulfilling this blog, haha!

Hunger struck before yoga, so I grabbed a lil more munchies before heading out.  Below is the final rice wrap in a package I bought two weeks ago--those things SUCK!  They fall apart ridiculouly, but I did manage to keep it together with peanut butter and coconut flakes.  YUM!

Post-yoga shot:  You better believe that long t-shirt wasn't going to let loose on a hot February day!  (Yes, I typed that statement correctly--70+ degrees in Austin, Texas on Groundhog Day!)  I've pretty much got used to grabbing a hair tie to keep my yoga shirts from dangling/getting in the way during class.  MUCH cooler that way, too!

Cheating a bit below because that picture is definitely not of me, but it was such an important event in my day that I don't even care.  I got to talk with Doty, Tara, and Kristina over Skype!  Granted, the video wouldn't work because we don't have the upgraded version (don't ya love Tara's Skype picture?), but that call was an hour and a half long!  That was some much-needed catch-up time, and I can't wait to be reunited with those ladies SOON!

So I'll continue on to the next bit...I finally ate a full meal (pizza!) and got showered and readied myself to go legit grocery shopping.  I really had to get my butt going because Matt was coming over later--so off I went!

A lil later on after my successful shopping trip, I walked in my room before Matt was to arrive and just got so excited at seeing the filled-up suitcase!  Look at that, I even have my 'liquids' bag ready, haha!  Alright, alright, I'll stop obsessing over it now...
Above is Matt, hard at work with the
AWESOME cookie press!  It's harder
than it looks, believe me!
BAKING TIME!  AND there was wine involved! 
This is my 'Matt's-wine-has-some-zip-to-its-do-dah'
face.  But hey, it was yummy--a savignon blanc.
Do you like my wine glass coozie and my apron?

For the night's end, I actually treated myself to a delicious bowl of chocolate peanut butter ice cream that is ok for me to eat on my special diet.  It's made with coconut milk, so it's lactose-free, and it has no additives that I can't eat.  It was pretty delicious, too!  I shared the amazing ice-cream eating moment with Brian over Skype.  You can see by his smile above that he was pretty happy for me, too!  What a great day!  Thanks for being apart of the experience!

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