Saturday, February 16, 2013

Adventure #43: Experience the Whirlwind!

Yep, sometimes I feel like that lately because time is just flying by, and I can't seem to catch my breath!  It's an understandably busy time, but c'mon now--a breather would be nice!  Well...I guess that's what March is for!
Anyway, an Adventure Day Friday for me yesterday, which means some light reading for you as you review my day.  And what a day it was!

Yep, that's me, all ready for a busy Friday!  Up and attem at 6:45a.m. (which I actually SNOOZED for 15 minutes because I was feelin tired!  And if you know me at all, you know that I barely know what the snooze button IS!)  Haha, but yeah, I actually got up that early just to give myself some 'time.'  I had tried to get my taxes done the night before, and they kept getting rejected with the online submission, so I was doing some work to figure out what was going wrong.  So yeah, I just needed time before devoting my day to CoFo.  (CoFo representin day--hence the shirt--but I'll go more into this later.)

Wow this bracelet is ancient!  Once upon a time, charm bracelets like the one above were super trendy and in style--and I actually owned/own one!  I didn't get very far with charms--I think I have four total, haha.  But  yeah, how's that for a throwback moment?!
Brr!  Cold morning in the apartment!  What happened to the warm temps right off the bat--we just left a warm spell, and I'm not ok with the 'leaving' part!  I mean, sure, it got up to 70 degrees later in the day, but 'later' wasn't soon enough yesterday morning!

Oh look.  I'm on hold.  With the IRS to try and get an AGI for a tax year that I didn't need to file taxes for...just to file electronically.  I got impatient and then called H&R Block.  I got impatient being on hold then and had to go to work.  Sad story, I know.
Oh wait.  I never explained that I went into work late for a Friday.  Mostly because I was carpooling with Beau (who was going to the aforementioned CoFo event that I'll go into detail on later), but also because of the chaos of this weekend that I will MORE THAN make up hours for.  So yes, started work at 11.  Good stuff!
Don't those look pretty?  I felt damn artistic taking that picture!  Those candies don't even taste that great, but I was desperate for something sweet to munch on before leaving for the CoFo event in the afternoon (will explain more later), and I couldn't eat the glutinously-filled treats that had been left in the office kitchen (those treats were tempting me something wild!).  So candy hearts it was!

Alright, alright, I'll explain the event!  Look at the awesome CoFo reps above!  That's at the Austin Marathon Expo, specifically in the 26 Charities for 26 Miles portion of the event center, where CoFo got its very own booth!  AND myself, Beau, and Abdo (my awesome student from Texas State), all went for the first shift from 3-7pm yesterday.  It was a loooooong shift, but good times were had, with plenty of chit chat, downtime, and meandering (along with a brief visit from a puppy from Austin Pets Alive!).
Basically, we got a pretty good booth location out of all of the other charities, in my opinion!  We were front and center, placed facing the main stage.  Granted, there wasn't A LOT going on at the stage area, but there were running speakers who told stories and had Q&A, so that was at least mildly entertaining.

FREE COFO SWAG!  Haha, at the office, these pens are in such high demand.  We're allowed to give them away for the expo though, so I felt pretty special.  Honestly, it's why most people stopped by in the first place is to snag a free pen.  Sad but true.  (No worries, we still gave them the schpiel about us.)
Fast forwarding through the rest of the expo, I got done and was SO TIRED (yes, lots of caps in this post but whatever, fits my mood).  I got home, ate food, prepped everything for another early moring (CoFo's huge College 201 event for high school seniors--5:45am wakeup for me!), and then went to BED.
It was glorious.  In bed at 10pm.  Glorious.
Did I mention I appreciated the early bedtime and the sleep?  Well, I did!

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