Sunday, January 6, 2013

Adventure #37: A Picture's Worth 1,000 Words

A picture is worth 1,000 words.  I’m here to prove that true.  This Adventure Day post is 1,000 words long.  All besides this introduction, for the purpose of describing my day through the eyes of the picture I chose to capture it.  No, this wasn’t my intent because I got lazy and decided I would just take one picture.  Definitely an intentional act, so don’t think otherwise.
But here I am.  A Saturday morning, bright and early.  How early?  I’d estimate about 7:15am.  No, not of my own doing.  Believe it or not, my Saturday Adventure Day was a work day in both the morning and evening.  I had a writing workshop to get to, of which I am a workgroup member at CoFo and must be there to provide the delicious Panera donations that I had picked up.  That’s right, a late night venture (but scheduled with Panera, of course) had me driving off the night before to retrieve our breakfast goods to be offered to coaches and students at the workshop.  It was my last time performing such duties, and I found it to be mildly bittersweet because the nighttime drive on a typically undriven route for me was relaxing in a way, and I found myself calmed by the waiting period at the restaurant/bakery while the employee prepared the box of baked items that would have been thrown out otherwise.
 But all of that was a tangent at its best.  Basically, I needed to ensure that I was at the event and there on time—and I assure you that both were achieved.  I followed event dress code and wore my College Forward t-shirt, of which I have two.  In my opinion, Austin is still quite chilly here in January, and I chose to layer up with a long-sleeve white shirt, too.  The big frizzy hair is due to me needing to wash it today, but it behaved itself fairly well with the aid of that thick white headband that I’ve had for ages.  (I probably don’t use it often enough!)  Always matching with my attire/accessories, I popped my green studs in my ears to stick with the day’s CoFo theme.  But wait—a no-toothed smile?  We’ll just blame it on me not having brushed my teeth yet since breakfast was going to be eaten half at home and half on the car ride to work (yep, I ate grapes with my mug of tea at home and then munched on a Panera pastry as I drove to work—I got first choice of the deliciousness!)  I did decide to brush my teeth before heading off to the CoFo office, especially since I didn’t want to scare off Lauren P. in the car with my morning breath (I drove her to the workshop yesterday morning).
 Oh hey, see that gray piece of fabric on the counter behind me?  Well, that’s not a mere piece of fabric at all!  It’s my newly acquired CoFo sweatshirt that I actually wore for most of the day!   That’s right, my hoodie-hating self actually chose to wear a hoodie!  Typically I love zip-ups and don’t like pulling sweatshirts over my head, but it was a SATURDAY work day, and I was feeling especially lazy, so pulling a sweatshirt over my head and keeping it on for hours on end was ok with me—besides, how could my hair get any frizzy-er?!  It’s quite a warm sweatshirt though, and I appreciated it’s comfort throughout the day as I worked on scholarship essays with a student at the workshop.
 You may wonder why it was a full day of working for me…  It’s because it was the day of the grand event:  the College Forward Collegian Winter Reunion!  We had been promoting it like crazy to our students, trying to get the word out this past week that this free, super-fun event was happening just for them and if they could be available and get themselves there, then they SHOULD!  I’d say it was an overall successful event, with us meeting our goal of 150 students in attendance (that may be a record for the event, too!), and I think I had at least seven of my own students show up, so I was happy to hang out with them, other students, and of course fellow CoFo coaches.  The event venue was pretty awesome, with bowling, roller skating, and a meal of pizza, all of which was free for our students, thanks to the event budget set aside.  The venue also had a small movie theater and arcade games available, but it wasn’t part of the CoFo reunion package for the night.  You know what was especially cool?!  One of my students bought me a package of Lindt chocolate truffles!  You know what was especially not cool?!  While I was roller skating (first time for me since elementary school!), some random girl came up behind me and tried to use me as a balance aid…ended up knocking me down flat on my back!  I caught myself with my hand but skinned up my wrist pretty good.  I had thought I’d wake up this morning with a sore back and a bruised wrist, but all I really have is the skinned spot that had been there the day before.  Let’s just say though that I did not appreciate being the thing that slowed down this girl as she rampaged the rink with her high speeds!
 Well, it seems that my word limit is approaching, and I must wrap up.  The picture doesn’t have a lot more to offer except for the fact that I feel my fresh-looking face is deceiving.  This has been a taxing week for me in the sleep category, and this morning I LOVED getting the opportunity to sleep in as long as I wanted (sure, it was only until 9a.m., but that was all I really wanted and was MUCH better than the previous morning’s 6:45a.m. wake-up!).  Happy Birthday to me!

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