Saturday, November 24, 2012

Adventure #31: A Not-so-crazy Black Friday

 Adventure Day arrived this week on what is typically deemed 'Black Friday'...although there wasn't much 'black' that surrounded my holiday Friday off of work, so we'll just stick with Adventure Day!
It was quite the wake-up to a MESSY room!  I had Skyped Brian into the night on the previous night and had thrown things about onto my dresser (and on the floor!).  Ah well, it had been Thanksgiving, and I thought that very little effort should go into cleaning on Thanksgiving.  Mission accomplished!  (Though there was quite a bit of work ahead of me in tidying things up post-Thanksgiving-stubborness.)  And I actually got out of bed around 11am!  That's pretty late for Ali P, so I was pretty proud of myself for being lazy so long into the morning!  (Wooo!  Go me!)
Let's see, what else did I have to clean up?  Oh!  Look at the above pic--see a lil red stain on the carpet?  Well, that's a lil souveneir from additional Thanksgiving celebrating, since I cheers'd a glass of wine with Brian on the previous night...and spilled a big ol drop right on my carpet!  The good news is that this pic was taken pre-cleaning, so the spot is barely visible after I got to work on my cleaning frenzy (aka damage control!)
Then--dishes, dishes, and MORE dishes!  That's right, I seemed to suddenly remember the disaster of a mess that I had mostly taken care of on Thanksgiving night...well, except for UNLOADING the dishwasher and then loading it again with dishes that wouldn't fit in the first time (even living by myself, dishes seem to be and endless cycle--but probably because I cook so often!). 

Wow, the picture to the left became way more distorted than I intended!  I like to take a good look outside regardless of what day it is, to gauge the weather/temperature.  (Yes, I know that you can't tell the temperature by simply glancing out the window, but I usually tend to think so.)  It was a mostly cloudy day that never seemed to warm up exactly to my liking (again, it wasn't July, so it makes sense...)  But hey, look--if you can try to focus your eyes enough past the screen door, you can see Babs my minivan!  Keeping her in eyesight so that no one tries to break in and steal her away from me.
HOW is it possible that the picture to the right is all distorted, too?!  Ugh, my luck with photography!  It's because I took a pic of my computer screen, which I guess I should decipher so that you actually know what it is.  I got $2.00  in mp3 downloads from Amazon Student (even though I'm no longer a student, hehe).  The bummer part is that I'm lacking in intelligence sometimes and managed to bypass the promo code with the first song I downloaded.  Whoops.  There went a dollar...  I made up for it though and got THREE songs with my $2.00 credits.  (Yup, that's black Friday deals at their best--I got two songs for 50 cents apiece!)  Good stuff.

K, actually leaving-the-apartment time (but not for TOO long!).  I had a package slip from the other day, but the office was closed, so I was excited to venture out and see if the office would be open on Black Friday (and it was!).  Unfortunately I can't go into detail about the package, but just know that it's all in the holiday spirit!  (Hehe.)
 While I was out, I decided to do ADDITIONAL damage control from the previous day (WHAT a Thanksgiving!).  In transporting delicious roasted vegetables to the potluck I attended with CoFo peeps, I had dumped half of the balsalmic glazed green beans and mushrooms all over the trunk of my van...on the inside.  Luckily it was an easy cleanup (and didn't smell TOO much like left-out vegetables).  While I was at it cleaning in the van, I also spritzed and wiped away at the dust bunnies on the dashboard and cleaned out the middle of my cup holders, since I had become accustomed to using that as my tea bag/tea diffuser holder (quite effective actually, just a bit messy). 
And then--REWARD!  Clicked through a couple channels to prep myself for some veg time on the couch and what did I discover but SEX AND THE CITY!  Ahhh, that was such perfect timing!  (I'm currently pissed at the TV distortion, but whatever, it'll become the trend of this blog post, I guess.)  Yup, satisfaction to the max, sitting back and staring at the TV for awhile as Carrie narrated her struggles in Paris with the wrong man who seemed to think that she was his little prize to accompany him on his art show openings and other nonsense.  Carrie came to her senses and traipsed out of that fancy-ass hotel--to then stumble upon Big, who was coincidentally (or not-so-coincidentally?) in the same city, in the same hotel!  Yup, my interpretation is 'the rest is history, folks,' but I've also watched additional episodes following that one, haha.
Oh hey, did I mention that Adventure Day was a LAZY day?  Not in the sense that I was completely lazy and didn't do anything but in the sense that I didn't put too much effort or urgency into anything that I did--including my appearance.  So you can see that it was t-shirt,  no make-up, no jewelry, hair-on-top-of-head day.  And I was totally ok with that!  (Especially with reppin the WMU alum shirt!  Go Broncos!)
And THEN I decided that since Thanksgiving had passed, I could officially bust out my meager collection of Christmas decor.  You can see the array layed out for you to the left.  As small as it is, it's the little reminders of holiday cheer sprinkled throughout my apartment that get me excited for the Christmas season and SO ready to be heading for home in one month to spend time with those I care about.  Almost December!  Yay!
FOOD TIME!  Whipped up my version of egg salad:  fried egg with avocado.  Way better than mayo.  Because mayo grosses me out.  And avocado is yummy.  End of story.
My lazy-day productivity then continued with projects!  I can't show too much because of course it's all in the secretive spirit of the gift-giving holiday that is before us, but I got to make good use of one of my favorite hobbies--cutting out fun, empowering words from magazines!  I spend months collecting the words before I finally get around to using them for some project or another and yesterday was one of those rare days when I did so.  (Did I mention I was camped-out on the couch for most of the day?  Aeryn was away for Thanksgiving, so I literally set up camp in the living room with the glorious TV.  Yup, totally comfortable.)
And as I was project-ing away in my crafty state of mind--Brian calls me!  Quite exciting, since I had been concerned that his phone wasn't working and that he wasn't getting my texts that afternoon.  Turns out, he had taken two naps!  (Oops...was I not supposed to reveal that information?)  Anyway, we chatted for a bit about my day, his day, and his phone issues.  Not very exciting stuff, but I just like to talk with him on the phone (yup, mushy girlfriend stuff, haha).
My phone call was followed by actual decorating of the apartment--requiring me to leave the couch for a short time.  I took a couple pics for your amusement, feel free to be blown away by my extraordinary holiday decorating skills.
I feel like there may be a gap of time missing in here (let's see...ah, I didn't 'capture' my dinner, but whatever).  Eventually I moved all of my 'camping supplies' to my room and packed up for the day.  I meant to start another project with my abundance of bubble wrap (hoarded from care packages from the fam), but I never did get around to that.  I DID do damage on that apple though!  Yesh, quite delicious.
I got all excited about another project I intended to start, but I really didn't get very far with it.  It involved the strips of sturdy paper/cardboard on my computer keyboard...hmm, what will it become?!  Yesterday marks my discover of Spotify radio, so parts of my day were spent experimenting with that, too.  (Along with my re-discovery of cable TV!)
Of course I did Skype Brian last night, too.  The pic I snapped to the left (with the print screen tool) was when he was explaining something with Star Trek that I wasn't quite familiar with.  I always think it's interesting to hear him tell me stuff that I know nothing about, and I sat and listened intently (with my hooded robe on, haha!)  Ah, good times.
So yeah, nothing crazy-exciting occurred on Adventure Day this week.  Remnants of my Thanksgiving were taken care of and hints of the holidays were started.  I'm continuously thankful for the many positive relationships that I have supporting me in my life and look forward to the future days, months, and weeks that I have to blog about this full year of being a post-grad out in the wild and crazy world on my own.  Happy Belated Thanksgiving to you all!


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