Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Adventure #30: From Flip Flops to Adventure Shoes to Jeans to Jammies


MONDAY!  A Monday Adventure Day as determined by Brian.  Yes, I'm going to try my hardest to call him Brian.  Originally suggested by him so that people wouldn't get confused and so that they don't start calling him Fish.  (I have special priveleges.)  Anyway, I've decided just now that I'll actually put forth more effort.  I've been slacking.  But ANYWAY... 
Monday...  Washing-hair-day...ick.  I hate washing my hair, and I make a big enough deal of it that most people know this.  Be proud of me.  Another day goes by where I force myself to wash the mass of hair that is mine.  Achievement!  Also, it was FREEZING on  my Adventure Day wake-up (well, maybe not quite freezing yet, but close enough to make me unhappy!)  I'm in Texas.  The weather should remember this and get with the program.  Really.

House shoes versus real shoes.  Definitely wearing toe-covered shoes on the morning-of-cold, and the twirly swirly whirly skirt was definitely accompanied by leggings underneath.  I don't mess around--cold is COLD!  I must be prepared to face all elements, whether heading to work or heading out on an epic Adventure (...same thing sometimes...)

Uh, yeah, my full outfit does look kinda summer-y.  No worries, there is proof of me bundling up with more layers soon enough, just hang tight.

FOOD TIME!  Haha, but not this food.  This food was for lunch prep.  Made a yummy bagel sandwich.  Ingredients above.  (I like to get 'fancy.'  Definitely makes me look forward to lunch.)
It was one of my breakfast smoothies for breakfast, but I did something different with it.  I added spinach.  It sounds weird, but it really didn't do anything to it but affect the color.  My stomach issues are supposed to be helped by increasing my fiber, and since spinach has lots of fiber--why not, right?

To the right is the bundled up me, ready to go wait for the carpool to take me to work.  Complete with scarf and sweatshirt, I felt more warm than before.  And the wet hair dried--definitely another plus!  What about the 'random' corgi to the left?  I dunno, I just wanted to show off my awesome corgi calendar.  The November pooch has been pretty kind to me so far, greeting me each day with his cuteness and ensuring an smile is induced by his corgi-self.
I get to work and--awesome!  Hans brought in a coffee cake!  I'm not even that huge of a fan of that kind, but  it just sounded like a great idea on my Monday morning Adventure Day, so I snagged a small piece to be eaten while I sipped my morning mug of white tea.  Not a bad combo as I work at my desk.

Ali must log into her work laptop.  Work laptop decides it would be a good idea if it takes Ali FOREVER to have to log in.  Ali must restart her computer after just booting it up.  Good times.  Definitely Monday...  (not that I'm actually superstitious and believe in such things as 'Mondays-are-supposed-to-be-bad-days' kind of theories).  Meh.  I got on eventually.  Student cases to tend to!
LOOK WHAT I GOT (to the right)!!!  A notepad of my very own!  It had been my full intent for what seems like weeks to walk myself to the copy room to acquire my very own full-sized notepad to use.  Yes, any coach can go and grab one at any time.  But...I just hadn't done it yet, and yesterday was the day that it actually happened!  So hopefully there shall be a lot less writing in my miniature notebook and plenty more to-do lists will be more successfully tackled after being scrawled across my fancy new notebook.
LUNCH!  It might look like lots of veggies, but no, that's not normal.  The doc says that celery is good for my stomach.  So...I bought celery.  Good thing I actually like celery.
And THEN I needed a bit more of a pick-me-up because I was draggin.  So sleepy!  I decided to make a Facebook status (with my work Facebook, of course!) about my sleepy state of being, and since I always post statuses with corgi photos, it required a corgi Google search for an appropriate photo matching the  occasion.  What a great mood-lifter!  I always laugh out loud when I get to Google about corgis!  Isn't my job great?!

Lucky me got a call from Brian shortly after that.  It was pretty wonderful.  A mini-break from my day to talk with my boyfriend and catch up on his day.  My own work day never seems like much to report on (you may/may not agree based on the entertainment factor of this post), but I'm always interested to hear of the happenings in his day.
Oh.  By the way.  I felt it was necessary to prove that I ACTUALLY ate all the celery.  See.  I ate it.  Go me!
Before leaving for home at the end of the day, I realized how I'd got used to the Teavana bag chillin on the corner of my desk.  Informal senior recruitment for the Completion program has been well under way, and my partner Kathryn and I had our last one today (Tuesday).  I'd been using my awesome Teavana gift bag to tote materials in (Thanks to the Leppeks for the awesome bag!).  And yes, 'materials' do include candy.  This is me we're talking about!

Oh hey look, there's my partner, riding back seat with me in carpool-land.  Only four riders that day, so it wasn't too squooshed.  I totally just zoned out on the ride home, while Kathryn read more of Blink.  (Update:  I've since FINISHED reading Blink!  Again, go me!)
Got home to the below flier stuck in our door from the apartment management.  They attempt to create a community in our mostly-student apartmet complex, but I'm going to be honest and say that they fail.  All of the events are at neighboring complexes, and my lazy self doesn't want to walk, so I doubt other residents will.  Funny pun though.  Hopefully you can read it below.
Once I was actually in the apartment and working on warming up my chilled self, I ate food and readied myself for TRIVIA NIGHT.  I determined that I needed ultimate warmth for a trivia expedition, which required jeans.  I really don't like jeans, but I realize that sometimes it's just a necessary part of one's wardrobe.  So I put them on.  Unfortunately, it was a traumatizing attempt at going to trivia.  There was NO PARKING for blocks.  I found one spot, requiring me to parallel park, which I don't know how to do.  I spent five whole minutes attempting this maneuver before giving up and zooming off, eventually causing my GPS to come flying in my face.  I thought I found a spot a minute later--much to my dismay, then saw that it was in a tow-away zone (after I got out of the car and walked around, of course).  I got a call from trivia-team-buddy Madeline, who notified me that trivia cost money that night anyway.  My failed efforts were for nothing, and I quickly departed for home in quite a flustered state.

The positive:  I came home to chill out in warm, snuggly jammies.  (Emphasis on the WARM and SNUGGLY part.)  Not much more to say about that.  Doesn't it just say enough and act as evidence to the fact that I was slowly on my way to feeling better and improving my evening?
And then there's food, which always does wonders for making me feel better about Life.  The usual apple, but a new kind of tea!  Blueberry tea!  Hehe, looked kinda like blood when I steeped it.  Was mildly entertained when the tea bag was 'bleeding.'
Wasn't sure whether to post this pic, but I figure if you're a hardcore reader enough to get to the bottom of the post, you deserve it (or maybe you don't ever want to see such a pic?  Haha, oops.)  But with my apple I had a pecan pie brownie slice (yum!) and a green apple tootsie pop.  While Skyping Brian, I got curious if my tongue changed color.  Skype did not give me evidence enough, so I decided to take a picture.  Solely so that I could see if I had a green tongue and not for blogging purposes at all.  Ah well, it got downloaded on here with the rest of the pics, why not show it, right?  (...loses readers after this post from gross tongue pic...)
And THEN, yes, I Skyped Brian.  The above is a silly picture.  But he had the biggest effect in cheering me up.  I couldn't even explain why, but my cold self threw on the sock monkey hat (my favorite), and he grabbed his own goofy Goomba hat, and it was just...funny.  Haha, we're such goofs.  Good times late at night on what was quite the chaotic Monday evening.  But quite a solid, full Adventure Day, don't ya think?  Well, I lived it, and I certainly think so!
READ NEXT WEEK!  I'LL MAKE IT WORTH YOUR TIME!  (We'll see what happens, because I honestly have no idea what will happen--or even what day it will be on--but that's half the fun!)

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