Saturday, September 8, 2012

Adventure #20: Fridays Are Holidays--TAKE PICS!

It's BRONCO BASH DAY!!!  Wait--I can't go to Bash this year...SAD!  Ah well, yesterday was Friday.  AND yesterday was Adventure Day.  So it was pretty eventful nonethess.  And every day has a lil bit of Bash in it because of the giant flag in my room, thanks to my fun times coordinating Bash way back in 2010.

Woke up and despite the fact that it looks like I wore all black, that's untrue.  But I thought it was funny because one might think so from the pic...until I really truly got dressed, haha...
This looks better for a Fancy Friday of work at the College Forward Office!  I like to dress kinda fancy every day, but certain co-workers have officially deemed it 'Fancy Friday.'  So I wear whatever and match the theme unintentionally.

Oh hey--a pizza box!  I know, I'm weird for taking a pic of an empty pizza box chillin in my trash can, but the pizza was from Home Slice Pizza off South Congress from the night before.  And it was yummy!  AND there were leftovers for my lunch.  So overall worth a picture.  Although I really wish one could recycle pizza boxes.  (Ya can't because of the pizza grease.)

Following making my lunch, I rewarded  myself with BREAKFAST!  I love breakfast.  And I had my favorite loose leaf tea:  Hazelnut Truffle Black Tea that my Mom and I actually found at a random flower shop back in Dickinson this summer.  Random, but it was one of those nick nack shops.  I'm glad we stumbled upon the discovery!

One thing about me and tea...I have one cup, and I am NOT satisfied!  I have got into the habit of bringing a mug full of tea to work each day.  And yes, I still use my trusty Eco-mug that I got from WMU!  (Must be sustainable!)
Eco-mug with ducky tea infuser.  Love them BOTH!
Did I mention I skate board to work?!  Well...I don't.  So that's why I've never mentioned it!  Haha, I carpool to work with Kathryn and Luigi (and yesterday with Jules, too!)  While waiting for Kathryn's chariot to pull up, I hopped on Luigi's board.  Looks pretty legit with the Adventure Shoes/skate shoes actually being on a skate board for once.  And yes, one can skate board with a dress on.  (Though there was ultimately no skate-boarding done in my dress yesterday!)

We all made it to work on time, as usual (we actually get there at the earlier time so that we can leave earlier--the way I prefer it what with me being an early bird anyway!)  The office seems to have a whole different vibe on Fridays, and I love it.  Everyone is chipper and chatty and even productive somehow.  Makes for a good work environment!

Oh hey, look, it's me, sitting at my computer, waiting for it to LOAD so that I can get to work!  Ah well, my impatience was overcome.
 But hey, are you curious who the awesome people are who I work directly with?  Well, you should be curious!  Haha, to the left is a sneak peek of Brendan, hard at work chatting it up with a collegian about awesome college-y things.  (I love our cube shelves!)  To the right (and technically directly behind my office space) is Jaclyn and Hans.  The four of us make up Team Texas State, and we are pretty amazing.  We do good work and support our students and can't WAIT to visit campus!  Brendan worked with Texas State last year, and I've heard so many great things about campus!  Maybe the day we visit will be an Adventure Day...hmmmm....

 I was working hard yesterday morning, when suddenly, I got a text--and it WASN'T from a collegian!  It was from Fish!  He cryptically said to check my personal email, so I took a quick break from work stuffs and checked my email.  And there in my inbox was a flight confirmation for Fish to fly out to Austin on October 19th!  And he'll get to stay until the 23rd!!!  I'm so excited!  (Haha, definitely an understatement!)

Oh.  Hey.  Eventually it was lunchtime.  I had to go retrieve my delicious pizza lunch from the CoFo Kitchen.  And on the way I usually say hi to my Roomie, Aeryn.  But Aeryn wasn't at work yet.  I missed her!  So I secretly said 'hi' to her workspace anyway and texted her when I got back to my own office space.  (By the way, doesn't her desk area look like a control panel for a spaceship or something?!  So cool!  Haha.)
What is wrong with the picture below?  I'll give you a hint.  The below green slimey things are supposed to be cucumbers.  And technically they are.  But when cucumbers are in the fridge on too low of a temperature and FREEZE in the fridge, they turn into cucumber popsicles.  And then when the fridge is re-adjusted, they turn all funny-lookin.  As seen below.  While no longer crisp, they still tasted very much like cucumbers.  And I was glad for that.
You know somethin cool that happened right after lunch?  I got assigned to my Work Groups!  Actually, I wasn't the only one who got assigned.  And they weren't technically 'my' Work Groups at all (I'm gracious enough to take part in Work Groups with other people.  Which is why they are called 'groups.'  Haha.)

What if I FORGET my assigned Work Groups?!  No worries, I wrote them down.  Genius, I know.  I'm happy with the ones I got.  Four years of Writing Center experience means that I know a thing or two about essays and student-focused writing to improve on essays.  'EOY' stands for 'End Of the Year' and is perfect because I LOVE event planning.  And this sounds like one big event!  Outreach is a new Work Group, which means that I'll get opportunities to represent CoFo at super-cool events/meetings.  Maybe I'll get a free meal...oooo!

Whoa!  Who are the fabulous people to the right?!  Well, I'm pretty sure they were in last week's blog post, but in case you aren't an avid Adventure Shoes blog reader (shame on you!), I'll go ahead and say it again:  it's Team Awesome!  A.K.A., my scavenger hunt/'Field Research' team.  (Anthony, Brent, Erik, me, and Kathryn)  I'd give more specifics about how we are doing on the scavenger hunt, but it's Top Secret.  Maybe I'll reveal it eventually.  ...maybe.  (I have officially deemed the word 'scavenging' a 'frequently used verb' in my vocabulary lately.  FYI.)

Below are a few more of my co-workers.  To the left, is Luigi, trying to scare people.  He was trying to use the giraffe to scare people.  This is mainly because the bat is typically attached to his hand, and most people come to expect it to be there.  I am NOT most people, and that bat always weirds me out.  It's just...weird!
And then Mike is to the right.  He thought I was being all sneaky, taking his pic without telling him, when in reality, I had simply glanced in his direction.  So then I offered to take his pic...and he gladly agreed!  Haha, before, during, and after the pic being taken, he was fencing with a yardstick.  It must have been a good method to utilize one's work supplies in a creative way...or...something. 

 Have I mentioned that it's part of my job to spend time on Facebook every day?  Truth.  I made a CoFo Facebook account to keep in touch with my collegians in whatever way is most convenient for them.  It's pretty cool, except Facebook decided that I spend my time spamming stuff, so I've been blocked for 30 days.  Oh joy.

Oh look!  Facebook!

It's MATT!  And it's ME!  And there's WINE!  Brent is awesome and offered to order a ton of wine for people to purchase from him discounted, since he used to work at a winery.  I jumped on the offer, and yesterday the shipment came in!  My wine is a dry red wine called Alchemy.  Matt got a yummy white wine, too--and it's just in time for his birthday tomorrow!  (Birthday shoutout!  Woo!)

 So to enjoy some wine, one is classy-est drinking it from a wine glass.  Which I didn't own.  Until yesterday.  Being extra-classy, I went with Aeryn to Walmart.  (Just tagged along for the ride, still not a Walmart fan.)  Kinda splurged as far as my purchases (more on that later), but I did buy a wine glass for 99 cents!  Success!  Of course, as soon as we drove away I realized that I don't have a corkscrew.  Whoops.  Looks like I'll be enjoying wine some other time...

But hey, are ya curious about my other 'splurges?'  My bed in the apartment is super-flat/hard, so I decided to get a better mattress cover/pad AND a bedskirt to cover up the ugly box spring/bed frame.  I was proud of it, so I decided to show off my handiwork below.  MUCH comfier (I can attest to this after having slept in my newly-coverted bed last night!)

I'm pretty strange at times. But I'm not strange enough to randomly take the pic to the left without a valid reason. Reason: Scavenging, of course! Yep, met up with Team Awesome last night for some scavenging. (I mentioned we're making a video, right? Well, we are.) I am in full costume in the pic to the left. And that is all I'm gonna say for now. 

What's up with the pics above?  Scavenging again.  (Duh.)  UT's tower is so cool-looking!  All lit up for the 100th Anniversary of the Business Center.  (See the '100' all lit up, too?)  And...that's all I'll talk about of us scavenging--gotta keep it a secret!
 My night ended as it typically does, by Skyping Fish.  It was a designated 'Date Night,' though it was much interrupted by him being on duty.  But that's totally ok, because I've obviously been there and know that there's nothing that one can do about the random walkie calls.  It was good times though.  And I was well-nourished (as always) with my nighttime munchies below.  I'll even tell a secret:  I polished off a near-empty jar of Nutella (jar of Nutella definitely wasn't 'near-empty' a few days ago!) 

I'd say this has been one of my favorite Adventure Shoes posts that I've done up yet!  Not only were there fantastic pictures, but it seemed to be a pretty eventful day and exciting with random news and surprises.  I definitely can't believe that this is my 20th post!  Are you all caught up?  Do you need to read back a few posts so that you don't miss any Ali Updates?  (I'm only kidding, you probably haven't missed TOO much!)
Anyway, Week 21 will be popping up in no time!  Keep your eyes out!

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