Today's post will be described from the end to the beginning. Because...well, why not spice things up a bit?!
So yeah, last night before bed I of course Skyped Fish (What else is new? Haha, definitely a highlight of every day.) Before that lovely Skype session, it had been CoFo Kickball night! It was pretty fun! Aeryn, Chuey, and I were the whole cheer team for the first game, and we had some others cheering with us for the second (didn't stay the whole second game though). You may be wondering about the odd picture to the left... Some guy on another team had a cape on. It was...odd. And it definitely inhibited his kickball skills. Definite distraction for the other team...but that's about it.
Go green CoFo team! We have two teams: Green and 'Ice Blue.' Green played first last night. Lost by only one point! By the way, I'm pretty proud of my action shot above. |
Chuey and I were great spectators--AND cheerleaders! |
But before any fun kickball times were to be had, I had eaten some dinner. Sustainence is important after a long day at the office! (Like the snapshot that ya see to the left? Check out my 'Foodie Files' photo album that I recently created on Facebook--I basically needed an outlet for my recent obsession with food photography. I can promise one thing: the baking/cooking obsession definitely won't be changing any time soon!)
I found out that my phone clock was a whole hour off! And...I get all/most of the office phone clocks have been that way...for who knows how long. Haha, I'm not the most observant... |
At lunch time I had...lunch (shocking, I know). My yummy sandwich is to the left. Pretty sure it was red pepper hummus, mozzerella cheese, black olives, and spinach. But the best part of that sandwich was the fact that I got to eat the butt of the loaf of bread! I seriously look forward to the end pieces so much it's ridiculous.
they have to do with anything? They are my self-assigned break times. By 'break,' I mean times that I force myself to leave my desk for some reason or another. And this doesn't include my lunch break. I've found out that breaking up my day like this helps make me feel more productive and less burnt out. (And that was kind of a pun. I love it.)
We are almost back to the beginning of my Adventure Day...basically I got all un-sleepy and got mentally and physically prepped for the day ahead. See the beautiful bracelet I wore below? It was a gift when I was in first or second grade from my Grammie Yaw. She's passed since then, but I still wear the bracelet on occasion. It has an inscription on the inside, and I'd really like to get it re-plated one day, since the gold has worn away quite a bit.
And we're to the very beginning of my day! Why is there this awkward picture of my pants/feet? Well, it's because I wore my new pair of khakis for the first time. And I thought they fit me well and looked pretty good AND were comfy. So I wore them. For the record, I have still not worn jeans to the CoFo office yet. I'm so not a fan of jeans...but it'll probably happen eventually.
The delay in this post is unfortunate. But believe me when I say it was out of my hands--and better late than never! Future Adventure Days will be here soon, and I will more than make up for it.