4-somethin-in the morning: I woke up. I'm crazy. I got maybe five hours of sleep and had one of the biggest days before me in terms of activity level and lack of rest throughout. It happened. It wasn't my own fault (stupid sleep cycle, racing mind, restless self).
5:30 a.m.: I got out of bed. I had been laying there for way-too-long, trying my hardest to SLEEP. Obviously sleep never came around again. So I started my day.
6 a.m.: I was dressed. But before busy Camp Day One could begin, I needed fuel. BREAKFAST. (I'm currently super tired, typing this on Day Two of Camp, and caps locks seem like a good idea quite frequently this evening, so I apologize; I promise I'm not yelling at you).
6:30 a.m.: I had to leave! I've been dogsitting for a week, and the pooches needed to be let out before I headed to work. See my 'Work Bag' below:
6:45 a.m.: I head back home (franctically and speedily) to retrieve my cell phone. It was charging upstairs in the kitchen. Of course I would leave it on the first day of camp!
7:00 a.m.: I arrive at camp with the other co-leader of Thumbs Up Camp to prepare for our first day. (I can't take pics and post them of camp stuff due to confidentiality, but I'll review the day somewhat and leave it to your imagination).
7:30 a.m.: Our two other counselors join us for continued camp prep.
8:00 a.m.: OUR FIRST CAMPER ARRIVES! Soon enough, three more join and we play a game of kickball. I suck at kickball. Let's just say, my team didn't win...
9:00 a.m.: All six campers have arrived and are welcomed to Thumbs Up Camp, a sponsored camp for kids 10-13 (morning group) and 6-9 (afternoon group) who could use a structured environment in the summer to help them work on social and behavioral skills and problem issues and behaviors throughout the eight weeks of camp. And first thing on Day One: a guest speaker, who read a story about the importance of making friends and having manners at camp.
10:00 a.m.: SNACK TIME! (The kids had milk and Go-gurt.)
10:30 a.m.: CRAFT TIME! (We decorated craft boxes to put all of our future crafts in).
11:00 a.m.: GAME TIME! (We played Where the Wind Blows, a fun name game. There was also a bit of Duck Duck Goose--Super Fun!)
11:30 a.m.: Reflection Time! (Reflection Rabbit came in handy.)
12:00 p.m.: A.M. campers leave and us counselors fill out Behavior Rating Forms to give them points and discuss with them the next day. More points = more prizes! (Oh yeah, and we ate lunch then, too!)
1:00 p.m.: P.M. campers arrive, and we did the whole thing all over again!
4:00 p.m.: P.M. campers left, Behavior Rating Forms were completed, and camp was cleaned up for the day.
Let's just say that Day One was rough, but I really truly loved camp. Getting to know the kids individually was an awesome experience, and despite a couple tantrums and behavior issues, I had a lot of fun. I get paid to do crafts and games and hang out with kids! Yep, it's a good time!
5:30 p.m.: Dogsitting Part Two--I headed over to feed/visit with Murphy and Ailey again.
6:00 p.m.: FOOD! Yes, I was hungry. Taco night had good timing.
The rest of my evening consisted of another dogsitting visit, a little relaxing, and a lot of technology issues. No internet for awhile meant no Facebook, no email, and no Skype. Being so tired, I didn't have much energy anyway and called Fish before bed. But here's a super-cool thing I caught on camera before my 11 p.m. sleep time:
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