Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Adventure #6: It's the Little Things In Life

Hello, Dear Readers and Happy Post-Adventure Day #6!

That's right, this is Week Six following graduation (still getting used to the passing of time).  While the passing days seem uneventful to some, I'm still continuing the blog because I'm able to take something from the littlest moments and enjoy them, learn from them, and share the memories with anyone willing to listen.  Willing to listen?  Then it's time for me to share.

Are you surprised to hear that I had an early wake-up?  Because yesterday I did--it's further preparation to get 'on track' with a legitimate sleep schedule for Thumbs Up Camp NEXT WEEK.  There, I said it:  Thumbs Up Camp starts next Tuesday, and it certainly seems to have creeped up on me!  Sure, lots of hours have been spent preparing for camp, but that still doesn't mean that plenty more hours are ahead of me, the other co-leaders, and even our camp counselors.  But hey--it's for the kids, and that certainly makes it worth it!
Flat screen TV in the basement here at home?
Let's just say I enjoy it.  AND I enjoy the DVR.
Because that's how I was able to watch Beauty
and the Beast.  Be jealous.  ;)
So I got up yesterday at 6:30 a.m.  That's EARLY.  The plus side:  I read in bed for a few minutes, took my time making my way upstairs, made myself a delicious sugar cookie smoothie (recipe at:, and spent too much time on the internet, as always.  THEN I felt lazy and decided that I would get my dose of yoga in.  And I decided to make the stretching session even more enjoyable by watching Beauty and the Beast at the same time.  (Yes, I believe in multi-tasking.  Yes, I am good at it.)

But just because I'm good at multi-tasking doesn't mean that I don't get distracted...  I volunteered to be a guest speaker at camp in a couple weeks, so I'll be talking about culture and Japan, since I lived there for six year with my lovely military family.  And after stretching (felt SO good!), I spent the rest of the movie looking through old pictures and gathering together a few things to share with the campers.  I plan ahead--way ahead--but I'm excited for my chance to share and speak on a little piece of my life.

Oh hey, believe it or not, I actually got dressed at some point.  Yup, #AlumBum no more (or at least not recently...) because I was dressed by 11 a.m.  And I thought I'd be a good sister and play with the littest bruddah Jonah for a bit before lunch because he is on Summer Vacation these days.  (Ohhh Summer Vacation!)
So the below game is called Yali.  (I like to thing that they rhymed it with my name, but that's simply not true.)

Basically, it's a balancing game:  My pieces are silver marble-like balls that are on Jonah's side of the board, and vice versa for Jonah.  Objective:  Get all of my pieces to MY side of the board.  It was good times...except I LOST!  I lost by THREE moves!  (Which means that it was a pretty darn close game!)  The game really is all about strategy in moving/balancing pieces and the board; however, I'm apparently not very good at/not patient enough with strategy so:  Jonah won.  Oh well.  We high-fived at the end.  Totally worth it.
After game, I was STARVING!  (Apparently I am on an eating schedule of eat-do something-eat-do something.  It makes for an interesting day.)  And besides, losing board games makes a girl hungry!  So I ate food.  (Celery with hummus, egg salad with avocado, sun-dried tomatoes, and feta in a sun-dried tomato wrap, and gouda cheese).  I ate...and then the sweet tooth kicked in (what else is new?!).
Above is Chocolate Chip Cookie.  Again, I permit you to be jealous of the Adventure.  (Sorry, I just really appreciate the little things in Life!)
So dessert was eaten and it was oh-so-totally-time for me to get in gear and go to a lovely 1 p.m. meeting to finish just about everything camp-related (yes, a scary thought prior to the meeting).  But I was ready.  See?  (Adventure shoes at-the-ready to the right!  Shoes on the counter...Shh!  Don't tell Mom!)
It was quite the meeting--about five hours long, in fact.  But it was ok, I have great co-leaders by my side, and we were quite productive.  Besides, I was able to accomplish a first:  went to LogoMagic and successfully ordered 21 staff t-shirts.  AND the Thumbs Up ones are PINK!  (No, I didn't suggest it initially.  But yes, I totally supported it.)
Venturing around town, making phone calls, and being a Camp Coordinating Machine meant that I was tired and hungry when I got home around 6 p.m.  Binder and Adventure Shoes made it back home safe and sound, but I sure was ready to kick off my kicks and end working for the day.  (Oh hey, did you notice that yesterday was Skirt Day?  Certain individuals will know what I mean by that...)

Dinner was uneventful.  Post-dinner plans were up in the air and didn't seem to be coming to a reality, so I read for a good long while, which made me quite a bit sleepy. (What else is new these days?  The Sleepies seem to creep up on me frequently.)  I think the book I'm currently reading will be finished pretty quickly.  It's an easy read, it's about a dog (dogs = good reading material), and it's short.  Look for my rating on Goodreads soon!

Lounging and more lounging (accompanied by my pouting for lack of plans for the evening) DID equate to some laptop time for me.  And my Amazing Co, Tyler Hulet was on Skype, and we chatted for a good long while.  We had a couple DMC's, and I'm definitely glad it happened!  Nothing like sharing a bit of you with someone while they share a bit of themself right back.  Tired Ali called it quits with the Co around 10:30 and gave Fish a chance to catch up with me for awhile.  I'm pretty sure most of what was discussed was completely ridiculous, utter nonsense, and absolutely hilarious.  But we are ok with that.  It's what happens with lack of sleep and good company.

Chatting with a couple of my favorite people makes for a good end to my night.
What would I do without these lovely people?  What would I do without you, Dear Follower?  I don't know...but I don't wish to find out, either.  Stick around and hear more about Life for Ali in these post-grad days?  I think it'll be worth it.  And I think you'll enjoy it.  Or...I certainly hope so!

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