Breakfast was epic. I got a stomachache (not the epic part). The epic part:
Above is Ducky. Ducky is Awesome. Keep scrolling to find out why. |
Ducky is floating in a glass of hot water?! Hmm...I wonder why... |
Uh oh...Ducky has tipped over. But--what's that underneath Ducky?! Hmm... |
Well, I'll leave the Ducky mystery a mystery to you dear reader--for now. But yes, Ducky made for an epic breakfast. He got many 'swims' in glasses of hot water. To be elaborated on further in a moment...
But while Ducky swam around and whatnot, I looked over the Dickinson Press (a.k.a. local newspaper) as I usually do during breakfast. And look what I discovered!
Yup, in some section of the paper (I forgot which, prob 'national news' or something like that...) there was the above pic and caption about the Kzoo River! Not that big or even noticeable, but it was a neat thing to see the word 'Kalamazoo' printed in the Dickinson Press!
Oh hey! Look! Ducky is swimming in a cup of Earl Grey TEA above! Haha, yes, Ducky is a tea diffuser that I received as a gift a whole two months ago, but I didn't have loose leaf tea until two days ago. So...drinking my morning tea was extra awesome yesterday. And I had three cups of it. Plus chocolate milk above (took it home from camp because it was expiring over the weekend). Plus actual breakfast food. Which probably means that my stomachache makes sense.
Breakfast over, I was about ready to tackle my Friday To-Do List. But...upon looking away from the table and readying myself to take care of my dirty dishes, I saw this:
Duncan is so pathetic. But so cute. He brightens my day. Every day. Especially Fridays when I get to see so much of him.
And then I actually did leave the kitchen and did the following:
~Called Fish to ensure he woke up at a decent time (tisk tisk)
Believe it or not, I was ready for lunch at this point. So I got a light lunch (including the following YUMMY veggies!):
CARROTS and RED PEPPERS! (I had egg fried rice, too, but that didn't look as pretty to photograph.) |
After lunch, I had an errand list to get going with, and the first thing was to make it to the public library to check out a book or two about Japan. Why, you ask? Because I will be a 'guest speaker' (although not really because I am there every day) at camp next week on Tuesday. Since I've lived in Japan, I figured I could bring in some super-cool Japanese stuff and share stuff with the kids about Japan for Music & Culture Week. (Yes, each week has a theme at camp! It's pretty awesome!)
Solution: Lil brother Jonah has a library card! AND he said he'd go with and let me use it to check out books. SUCCESS! Two books about Japan were checked out successfully!
We returned home and walked Duncan and King. I had promised Jonah this would happen since he was kind enough to let me use his library card. And BOY was this an eventful walk! Duncan *almost* went down a slide at the park, successfully traipsed through mud, barked at a man tilling his garden, 'met' a loose dog briefly, and rolled in a lot of grass (typically under shade trees). He also did this thing on the way back home where he'd walk by two driveways and then lay down. And then I'd tell him to keep going. And then he would walk by two drive ways and lay down. Good times... But it WAS super hot, so I don't really blame him.
I was exhausted when I got home. It was hammock bonding time. The sun was shining, I had a book to be reading, and I didn't have a whole lot left to get done for the day. So I lounged in the hammock for a good long while!
My lovely hammock. This is actually the view from my bedroom window. I like looking outside to check if it's ideal hammock weather. I check it daily, haha! |
The cute cards that I got from Caitlin! |
Sadly, the pic to the right is the last one I took for my Adventure Day. (Yup, it was pretty awkward walking in and directing the camera at my feet to get a good shot of my shoes and the Papa Murphy's welcome mat. Oh well, people can think what they want!)
I'll just briefly re-cap the rest of the Adventure Day: Ate delicious pizza. Planned out guest speaker presentation a lil more with Japan books. Made super-cute appreciation gifts for the counselors on my staff at camp. Searched for decent affordable hotels for a couple weeks when I move to Austin in August (apartment lease won't have started yet). And then I Skyped Fish for a looooong time. Adventure Day had definitely ended, and my Saturday had officially started by the time we hung up (oops).
But good conversation is something to be appreciated, and while I didn't get much sleep last night, I'm ok with that. All it means is that I need to go to bed at a decent time tonight. And I definitely plan on sticking to that! (*Yawn* I AM tired!)
Adventure Day #9 has come and gone, and I will be honest in saying that this blog post has taken up quite a bit of time, since I've written it over the course of the whole day (constant distractions!). If the above sounds choppy, out of order, or doesn't make sense, just bear that in mind.
And know that I appreciate you reading/following my lovely little blog! Keep it up--and I will, too! Happy Summer!
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