Soooo...5:45 a.m. wake-up yesterday so that I'd be ready enough for work today. The pics above are 'morning pics' a.k.a. Ali-hasn't-yet-showered-dressed-etc. (Haha, I have no shame in putting these up.) Anyway, I caught up on a DVR'd episode of Next Food Network Star (Go #TeamAlton!) and ate a deliciously random breakfast that included watermelon (Yes, I tackled the cutting-up of the watermelon myself. I am a master at chopping fruits and veggies!)
OH! And after play-time with Classy-PC, (more like abruptly in the middle of play-time), I got to wake up Fish! 'Waking up Fish' means I called his phone until he answered and then proceeded to give an obnoxiously cheerful 'good morning' to him in hopes of successfully getting him up. I'd say it was very successful, considering the call was extremely choppy and Skype had to happen to have any kind of a conversation. (Haha, THAT got him out of bed and all the way to a laptop!)
Left pic is me half-ready. Not quite to the make-up/hair/jewelry stage of getting-ready.
Right pic is me 'ready.' (I feel like this is one of those games where you circle the differences between the two pictures. Haha.)
I was STARVING after finally getting dressed for the day. Duncan was hungry for something, too (or maybe he just licks his lips in the pic above. I don't know. But he's my favorite camera victim, so I don't care either).
Back to me, a STARVING Ali. I wanted food. I had started making food before my bubble bath. Food was ready to eat not long after bubble bath. Food:
This Food is a sweet potato.
It got baked for awhile.
Then it got some of its insides scooped out.
Then it got a yummy egg-sour cream-chives-pepper mixtured added with a lil shredded cheese on top.
Then it got baked more.
Then it got cheesed again.
Yeah, I had lunch. After lunch, I readied myself for a Thumbs Up camp shopping trip with my co-leader, Rebecca. We met up at Walmart, got a few camp necessities, and then went crazy in the craft/toy department for prizes for the camp's 'Store.' Yup, our campers are lucky for two reasons:
1) They get rated each day and get the opportunity to earn points based on their behavior/lack of problem behaviors.
2) They have awesome co-leaders like Rebecca and myself who genuinely care about what they want/would enjoy playing with. (Best job ever?! Pretty much.)
So we spent quite awhile looking for football toys, legos, mermaids, pigs, activity books, goats, monster trucks, and so much more. Fun? Yes. Tiring? Yes.
I return from Epic Shopping Trip--and the brother Jonah wants to walk the dogs. It's a good thing I like him. And the dogs. Because I was tired. But after I got back from the dog-walking venture, I took a pic...
It's ok, I obviously survived the walk, it was just a bit windy and a bit exhausting. Eventually I ate dinner with Dad, Mom, and Jonah. (Shrimp night because the other brother was MIA. He doesn't like shrimp).
THEN I got to relax.
Computer time.
Snack time.
Skype time.
Good night, Blog Followers. I'm about to go to bed for tonight soon, too. Until next week!
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