Thursday, May 17, 2012

Adventure #4: Too Much Excitement for One Day?!

Yesterday's Adventure Day was like a slide.  It takes forever to climb to the top and then once you're there, you are back at the bottom again in no time.  Basically, the start to my day and what made up the beginning of the afternoon was dull and not-too-exciting.  (But hey, I'll tell ya about it anyway in a minute, so rest assured you'll still hear about it!)  Then, I felt all kinds of Responsible and did things that kept me busy for hours (a rare occurrence these days for such an AlumBum).

Driving ten minutes after waking up means
that sunglasses are basically a must.
My Wednesday began with a 7:10 wakeup from my lovely cell phone alarm, notifying me that, 'Hey, Jonah likes to leave for school in ten minutes so that he can read in the library for awhile before classes start and the hallways get crazy.'  So since I do typically need the car on Adventure Days (It's often more difficult to have Adventures without transportation.), I did actually get out of bed and take the lil bro to school  (Only one week left of him being a sophomore--WHAT?!).

Must return the Netflix!
Must get more movies JUST FOR ME
to watch!
I returned home and actually woke up more (tea + breakfast usually helps accomplish this) and then thought I'd practice my multi-tasking skills by stretching and watching a Netflix that came JUST FOR ME the day before (Perk of Being Home:  Control over Netflix).  Ever seen "Love and Other Drugs"?  Anne Hathaway and Jake Gyllenhaal?  Well, it's what I watched, and with it being the second time I've seen it, I enjoyed it (again).
And then, after an uneventful getting-ready-for-the-day and uneventful eating-of-lunch, 2pm rolled around, and it was time for me to go to my first meeting for my new job.  Here's an update:  New Job is way cooler than New Job was previously.  That's right, Monday I got a call saying that I was offered a position as one of the day camp's co-leaders, and THIS was exciting!  So, off I went to get filled in on all of the lovely information that I hadn't been given at previous meetings, since I hadn't been hired as a co-leader yet.  (Confusing, yes, but just trust me, I went to a Very Important meeting.)
Home from meeting--but just for a short time!
Above you see the bits of paperwork I received that started out my responsibilities as a co-leader.  I was slightly overwhelmed upon returning home but was better prepared for Meeting #2 in just an hour. 

More driving--but I did manage to
carpool with one of my fellow co-leaders
to the coffee shop (not ALWAYS a fan of driving).
So I picked Jonah up from school and dashed off to the co-leader meeting with all four of us in attendance (plus the two program coordinators). 

All kinds of planning and preparation information provided to us and following that was a more specific calendar planning session for camp themes and crafts, which happened at a local coffee shop.  It was fun to get started working on it all and to take part in such a crucial part of camp that starts in just a couple weeks--but it all didn't conclude until around 6:15, so I was certainly ready to head home for some spaghetti dinner (my favorite meal for Dad to cook when I'm home!).

A little bit of down time and I was ready for a Big Project I had been working on for the past couple days.  A Trip.  Yes, a very exciting Trip for July, requiring an airplane ticket.  Playing the cheapest-ticket-game was rough, but I was ready to make the purchase:

Waiting for the ticket to process...
The next screen I got...

EXCITING!!!  Yes, seriously, you read it correctly!  Curious for more?!  Read on...

Wondering why I'm taking the above flights?!  BECAUSE I MISS SO MANY PEOPLE IN MICHIGAN!  Haha, that's totally true, but I had an opportunity to go, a pay raise with my new camp position, and a timeline that fit perfectly--so--looks like I'm gonna be in Michigan sooner that ever thought was possible!

Following the super-exciting purchase above, I Skyped Brian for the rest of the night until sleep caught up with me, and I realized that I was exhausted and not the best conversationalist any longer.  And with that, my Adventures ceased and...I went to sleep.  Adventure Shoes retired until next week, but it'll come around soon enough!


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