Not enough disorder for your taste? Well, I'm not sure how you'd judge my desk area. It's an orderly mess. Everything to the left of my chair is grad school stuff in progress, so that's an expected pile of papers (until I'm DONE!). The papers directly to the right of my computer are notes to myself/lists. Again, these bits of mess help me function, and too much order with this would not be productive. So there you have it: I can wake up in the morning to this amount 'mess' and can be completely satisfied.
Above is an awkward photo of me realizing the misfortune of my hair's current state. See the lil curl on my forehead? It drives me crazy. Can't do anything with it. Definitely fits with my theme of things not fitting in with the alignment that they're supposed to. And this is a bit of disarray that I am NOT ok with. (Not a bad hair day, just definitely not a cooperative hair day!)
Not only was yesterday special because it was the selected day for the weekly installment of the Adventure Blog happenings--but it was also Hannah's birthday! In my opinion, birthdays are simply awesome. Once a year, I believe every person has the full right to enjoy their day as much as they possibly can. I was sure to wish the birthday girl a Happy Birthday, and here we are pictured at her work space, where I successfully bombarded her with my enthusiastic greeting. (No discussion of order/disorder here. Just fun times in CoFo Land.)
Ooo, a picture! Yep, I've been having a rough time lately being away from Fish for so long, and I came to the realization that I didn't have any pictures of him at work. That was quickly resolved--and now I can work productively and know that with a lil glance to my right, there he is, being goofy with me in a picture from his cousin's wedding. Totally helps and motivates me.
So before the next 'exciting' thing happened, I did some typical work day stuff. Made a bunch of contact attempts, trolled my CoFo Facebook, worked on a couple mini projects. Ya know, normal stuff. But THEN...I had a MEETING! Yes, us Completion Coaches get excited about meetings because they successfully break up the day and re-energize us. However, this scheduled meeting was to occur at the end of the work day--and it was only 1pm! Why, you ask? Because we were all headed to the capitol to get 'sworn in' as Americorps members. Pretty cool stuff, especially since it all still counts as part of our contracted hours.
So it was off to the capitol building! I was carpool driver, and I had lofty plans of making a quick stop at the central library to pick up a book that I put on hold. Unfortunately traffic had different plans, and I went straight there with Aeryn and Kathryn riding along in Babs the minivan. (Yes, I name things. Don't judge.)
Oh look--it's the capitol building! Pretty awesome building, super large, and super impressive-looking. We were out front for the ceremonial Americorps stuffs. To the right are some of the people. At first glance, it's a jumbled mass of random people in shirts. At closer look, we are actually pretty organized in organizational cliques, with the occasional mingling from those who were brave enough to recognize others--or actually meet someone new (*gasp*).
There's a speaker here. Use your imagination. Right now you are getting Ali's view of the ceremony. And this is me standing on a curb to add a lil more height. Ohhh I'm so short. |
Next on my agenda was FOOD! Yep, I was hungry. (It wasn't even that late yet, but I had big plans to cook a yummy dinner.) Below is a work in progress: diced carrot and potato bubbling around until soft enough to be the stuffing for stuffed bread rolls.
My evening rounded out with me making some more sense of some of the mess that was existing across my grad school pile of papers. I filled a form out to be mailed off, I sorted through which personal statements need to be written. I got myself ready to really finish these last steps so that I can be DONE. (Pretty sure the whole world will know when this happens, haha.)
I wasn't able to Skype Fish last night, but there is promise to Skype him today. October is almost here, and I am so excited to see him in a few short weeks. Not wishing time to go fast, just wishing for it to certainly not drag out the next few weeks.
One quick thought before parting on this day-after-Adventure-Day: I see and am updated on every view to my blog with an ever-changing number. However, I get feedback from viewers very rarely and would love to know who it is who reads and follows my blog regularly and especially what is thought about it. It's still my coping mechanism for this giant leap I've made in Life by graduating and coming to Austin, Texas, but I'd like to know what other purposes it might serve. I welcome any and all comments, because despite what is said and shared, I am set to continue it until the year is up.
Happy Saturday, everyone--Next Adventure Day post coming again soon!