Friday, August 24, 2012

Adventure #18: Not Your Average 'Training Day'

Waking up in the morning to a MESS in my room is...not my favorite.  It comes with the territory of moving into a new apartment, but it also immediately reminds me of all of the work that I have to do...eventually.  Oh well, I found the Adventure Shoes, and that's all that REALLY matters for Adventure Day--right?!
An Adventure Day Thursday during Training Week means that my roomie Aeryn and I had an early wake-up to ready ourselves and head to the CoFo office!

 We decided a picture was necessary.  I'm sure you'll agree.  (Our attire will be explained later--not really typical work attire, I know.)

 Actually, several pictures were found to be necessary, haha. 

Pic to the Right:  BREAKFAST!  We have this weird arrangement of mirrors in our dining room.  Our apartment has A LOT of mirrors.  I swear we're not narcissists.

Eventually, it was time to depart for the CoFo office and say 'good-bye' to Chuey.  He enjoys his playpen during the day--but he definitely enjoys seeing us at the end of every day when we get home, too!
Upon arrival at the office, we started out training with an ice breaker.  Thursday's ice breaker:  old school elementary school games.  A.K.A.:  Four Corners and Heads Up Seven Up. The throwback was pretty awesome.  Evidence can be seen in the photo below.

 Side note on CoFo:  I work with awesome people!  The passion for what we do and the experiences that we all draw from are what make this organization so effective.  Kathryn  (in the pic to the left) is one of my great new co-workers/friends.  Many more to be pictured in future blog posts!

 Morning training brought us lots of applicable information for our College Coach/College Completion programs, and to the right is a picture of an admissions counselor from St. Edwards, a private college that our collegians can attend.  There's a lot to take in during these first couple weeks, but I'm sure we'll all get the hang of it once we start working with students.
Oh hey--this is my roommate (again).  We found out that she looks like Ashley Tisdale.  Agreed?
 In the afternoon...I GOT MY OFFICE SPACE!  Look below--it's not all jazzed up yet but that is soon to change.  I get a phone and a laptop, so I'm pretty satisfied.  The squooshy spinny chair was MIA, but I shall solve that (hehe).

Now to explain the awkward attire that was referenced earlier.  We had a college fair as a part of training!  Basically, this means that we paired off and were assigned colleges/universities in Texas to research throughout the week.  Yesterday (Adventure Day!) was the day to act as admissions counselors of these schools and share what we know.  My school?  Rice University.  My partner?  Alissa!  (We made a great team!)  I'd say we rocked it out...but so did the other pairs.  In the end, I learned a lot about Texas universities, so job well done to CoFo!
Other stuff happened (it's all kind of a blur, so forgive me for lack of details), but we did decide to head home when the fun training-ness was completed.  And I was STARVING.  But I got to legitimately cook in the new apartment kitchen, so I was happy about that meal!  On the menu:  Green peppers and couscous with black beans.  I made a large batch of  it...and ate three helpings, which basically means that I ate all of it and was very, very full.  Totally worth it, though.  (I love cooking in our new kitchen!)

My last helping of dinner--YUM!

Speaking of new apartment...the pic to the right is a means of excitement for me!  You will see there is my NEW BLENDER (I was able to make a breakfast smoothie this morning!) and my corgi calendar, which Aeryn graciously allowed me to put in the kitchen.  If you know anything about me, you will realize that those are both worthy of mentioning.  It means that I feel more settled in the new place for sure!
Further signs of comfort/progress with unpacking:  see pic to the left.  Remember that MESS that was my room earlier?  Well, I went right to work last night and continued to unpack.  (Insert cheer).  You can see the floor.  And most of the perimeter of the room.  And I'm feeling much more satisfied with life in general now that both of those milestones have been reached.
Fish insisted that I take a picture
of myself when he was making
me smile/laugh.  I gave in to the
But since I'd had such a long, busy day, it was nice to have some regularity in the form of talking to Fish before bed.  Talking to him later and later at night seems to be a habit, but I'm going to try sticking to my self-set 'curfew' better as CoFo becomes more routine.
The bummer part about talking to Fish on the phone was that it wasn't on Skype.  My lovely computer decided to cause me problems with internet this week, but I'm more than happy to announce that the problem has been FIXED and that Skype is definitely accessible now.  So hey Faraway Friends--why not Skype ALi all the way down here in Texas?!  Sounds good to me!
Well, next week's Adventure Day will be here before you know it, so keep a positive attitude and read on about my lovely adventures during what will soon be Adventure Day #19!

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