Saturday, July 21, 2012

Adventure #13: What A Blur of A Day

This blog post may seem pretty rushed.  I'd prefer to go with 'short and sweet.'  Read below to find out if you get a better idea why (I have a hunch).

Segmented Day:

~Breakfast:  (Verdict:  Good ratio of sweet and peanut-buttery.  Surprisingly made a small portion though, but it was pretty filling.)

~Puppy Play-time:  Duncan and King invaded my room.  Then kitten joined with them.  Then kitten got just King time.  And then just Duncan time.  And Jonah was present, too.  (Verdict:  Duncan likes to chase Tony.  King is afraid of Tony and likes to run away/hide from him.  Tony likes to run away from Duncan and chase King.)

Sad ears.  But I have no idea why because he was actually quite happy.

Pretty sure this meant he wanted a belly rub.  While lying on Duncan's hindquarter.

I don't remember if Duncan was being tempted by Tony at this point.  Either way, it looks uncomfortable, and I thought he'd fall off the bed.

Yup.  Definitely asking for a belly rub.

This is Duncan.  Being the ham that he is.
Yes, Tony joined eventually.  He's naughty.  But pretty adorable.  He LOVES playing with my camera case pictured above (and pouncing...)
 Dressed and Ready for the Day:  It seemed like forever, but finally, around noon, I was dressed and decent enough.  (Pretty proud of the braid that held together!)

~Outing with Mom:  Mom gets home from work early on most Fridays.  She took me to Serendipity coffee shop.  Somehow I did't think to get caffeine (stay tuned to find out why this is concerning).  I got the Strawberry Margarita drink.  No alcohol in it, apparently it's just strawberry smoothie mix with margarita mix.  It was ok.  I'll probably try something different next time.

Ready to go!
Serendipity--my favorite place for cafe drinks in Dickinson.

~Chill Time:  I intended to nap upon returning.  This didn't really happen.  I also intended to write a letter.  This didn't really happen either.  Oh well.  I was outside and half asleep.  That's all that matters.

Bake Sale at Relay!  Pretty sure us
sweet tooths knew how to make a good sale.
~Relay for Life:  Team Young Professionals of Dickinson recruited me for their Relay for Life Team last week, and this kept me busy from 6p.m. Friday until 6a.m. Monday Sunday (typo previously, haha).  Obviously I'm feeling it right now, since I barely slept today AND I went to Bismarck with the fam for shopping, but sleeping in the car has definitely helped. 

The luminaries illuminating the track.
What a lovely night!

Overall, a pretty good Adventure Day, despite my seeming unexcitement for everything that happened. (Believe me, it's just the lack of sleep affecting my excitement).

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