Thursday, December 6, 2012

Adventure #33: Baking Up My Motivation

MORNING TIME!  Get UP!  Roll out of BED! did I sleep!  Take a look at the covers after my Tuesday night slumber.  I must have had quite the dream.  See, I typically think that I'm a rock when I sleep but obviously that night, my blankets thought otherwise.  Ah well, made the bed quick, grabbed the day's clothes to be worn, and hopped in the shower to get all clean and rejuvenated for a lovely day at CoFo!
Hey look--I really truly DID get ready and make myself presentable!  Crazy how a little effort can really transform someone, haha. 

Following the getting-ready routine, I completed the usual getting-lunch-ready routine and then the getting-breakfast ready routine.  Luckily the eating of said breakfast is a bit more enjoyable than just the preparation of it.
But as you see to the left, I spared myself a few minutes to call up Brian and let him know that it would be a good day--a day in which his final class paper was due!  I'm always surprised when I call him in the morning and he answers--you'd think after it happening often enough I wouldn't be surprised any longer, but c'mon, it's morning, I should be leaving him voicemails while he sleeps, right?!  Nope.  He chatted with me before I left for work.  Take THAT sleep!
Maybe it's just me, but I often find that I'm either running late or am dawdling a bit because I'm kind of early in the mornings.  On this particular morning, I was a tad bit early, so I had time to freshen up the apartment in my favorite way--concentrated air freshener.  I actually have three kinds (pumpkin spice, sandy beaches, and summer breeze).  I consistently used pumpkin for awhile, but I wanted to try out sandy beaches, so I (unseasonably) did so.  But c'mon, it's summer-like in Texas on some days in December anyway, so it doesn't really matter.  And it's awesome because both Yankee Candle AND Bath and Body Works makes these little glories--I'm guessing they won't halt sales of them any time soon.

Though I may have been a little early that morning, I almost always spill hot water when I'm pouring tea into my Eco-mug.  Never fails.  I'm messy.  The good thing?  It's just hot water.  Even better?  It's not hot enough to burn me if I spill it on myself.  So I just keep a kitchen towel handy and go on with life, haha.
This week has been my turn carpooling so I stopped where-ever I was needed that morning in the Riverside area.  (We have five of us total who carpool but very often some people drive themselves or work out some other transportation plans, so I always keep a lookout for the morning texts canceling some stops on the morning commute for pickups.)  Carpooling involves communication, a bit of waiting aroudn for pickups, seating arrangements, and interesting arrays of music/radio talk shows.  Ah the joys of saving money!  (Haha, it really is an experience though!)  Side note:  The picture is NOT from eye level.  That kinda just occurred to me...
Sooo...I had an agenda in mind straight away for when I got to work.  You can see from the pic that it was NOT all that enjoyable of a start to the agenda--any guesses why?!  Well, I was on hold.  With financial aid.  And this 'being on hold' took longer than the actual conversation.  C'mon now--really?!  It's 9a.m., students should be sleeping or be in class or studying for tests/finals or something...  Ok, Selfish Ali Rant is done now (but it's not completely selfish because I was calling on behalf of a student!  So there.)
To represent my productivity at work and much of the computer-y stuff involved with that (Facebook chatting, sending emails, logging student contacts, etc), here's an up-close and personal view of my keyboard.  Exciting stuff.  (And makes me realize that I should paint my fingernails some time...)
I think lunch happened some time in there and lots of typical, mundane things...but then I decided I needed to talk to Brian on the phone for a break in my day, and that was pretty awesome--but especially because I found DOGS!  Yup, there were two giant dogs fenced in the yard out back of CoFo, and I had never noticed that before,  I have no idea if they are even that visible through the fence holes and with my poor photography skills, but if you look closely you might see the black and white one.  And if you don't believe me still, just ask Brian--most of the conversation I was distracted by the excited pooches jumpin around and going up to the fence.
After my excitement from the outdoors, I eventually needed some distraction again since I tend to be so productive that I often burn myself out on a work day.  (But really...)  I strayed from my go-to music option of listening to the CD Brian made/sent for me and plugged the headphones into my iPod shuffle for some of the old school stuff.  I feel like I rarely have new songs on that thing, so most of it is very-much outdated.
And now...time for me to be artistic!  The workday ended, I drove everyone home, and I took a little time before dinner to snap some photos of the gorgeous sky.  What a treat! 


Oh yeah, I checked the mail, too.  The letter in the Wells Fargo envelope was way more excited than I was when it announced my upgraded account from a College Credit account to some other normal account.  I guess there are some perks that I didn't read into too much. credit must be pretty good for this to happen, right?  (Go me!  I barely use that credit card!  Haha.)
For some reason, I have issues with making eggs for myself lately.  And this is not cool because I typically make myself eggs at least once a week (good source of protein for Vegetarian Ali).  But...look at the burnt egg leftovers in the pan...and the spilled egg yolk on the counter!  I wonder if I have the heat on too high when I cook the egg?  I use non-stick spray...  And, well, I don't think there's much that can help my egg-cracking skills.  I pretty much spill on a surface every time.
Dinner chaos eventually ended, and I was successfully nourished (and the kitchen got a quick wipe-down post-egg-cooking).  The big goal of the evening was to make Cookie Dough Cheesecake Bars.  These were to represent the birthday dessert that I owed Aeryn from her birthday coupon--basically there was leftover cream cheese in the fridge (which neither of us really eats), so I suggested cheesecake, and she seemed to like the idea.  No beautiful end result pictures for you, Dear Reader, but those you can certainly find in my Facebook album titled The Foodie Files.  Explore, salivate, and enjoy.  (By the way, I DID get to use my food processor for the graham cracker crust!  It's always exciting when I get to use my new kitchen tools!)
Did I mention that while the cheesecake bars baked, I FoodGawked?  (Yep, just made that a word.)  None of you are surprised at this foodie activity, I'm sure.  Just Ali being herself.
And THEN:  It was big-apple-eating-time!  Yep, this was the night when I got to eat my Honeycrisp apple.  I only buy one a week at the grocery store becaues they are so giant and should be saved for an occasion during the week when I REALLY want a lot of delicious apple in my belly.  Last night was the night.  And no, I didn't eat two, I just thought I would continue the artsy theme and take a picture of both sides.  I still don't think the pictures show how big it really was either.
YUM!!!  My favorite apple!  It was a good day and a good end to the night with apple-eating, tea-drinking, sweets-consumption, and some Skype time with the boyfriend.  I like my casual, relaxed weekdays spent in.  Especially when I get to bake!  But hey, who knows what will happen on the next Adventure Day?!  I hope you'll return again and read about it.

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